Has anybody tried this? I am really interested in doing it, especially since its so cheap. https://www.23andme.com/
5/20/2013 11:50:13 AM
5/20/2013 11:59:27 AM
I did it about a year ago. I've been pretty happy with it and recommend it others.
5/20/2013 2:17:47 PM
I did this last year and I found out I was a idiotI'm Krallum and I paproved this message.[Edited on May 20, 2013 at 2:23 PM. Reason : +]
5/20/2013 2:18:47 PM
Censorship ITTI'm Krallum and I approved this message.[Edited on May 20, 2013 at 2:27 PM. Reason : and even worse, bad grammar]
5/20/2013 2:26:46 PM
it looks like Krallum was trying to pre-approve his message
5/20/2013 2:40:34 PM
No, the mods are just enforcing the rule of their authoritarian regimeI'm Krallum and I approved this message.
5/20/2013 2:43:53 PM
@ neolithic Did you find any long lost relatives?
5/20/2013 2:52:21 PM
5/21/2013 9:36:38 AM
I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT I'M FEELING 22But in all seriousness, and to continue this post pretending I didn't quote Taylor Swift, nah, I haven't. I already know what my diseases my genes have and haven't given me (BRCA gene testing last year), and my mother went ancestry.com and research-crazy with our family tree a few years back (and had two people do gene testing on one of the loose ends), so I don't know if I'd get anything interesting out of it.
5/21/2013 11:21:42 AM
My understanding is that it can do more than test for possible diseases. You can also find out what kind of foods and exercises are most efficient for you.
5/21/2013 11:51:08 AM
You get a lot of information, disease susceptibility (various forms of cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's among many others) is one piece. You also get known gene-medication interactions (such as Warfarin sensitivity) and carrier status for a lot of recessive traits. You also get trait information. Just a few examples - I have bitter-taste blindness and have 2 working copies of the gene that protects against male pattern baldness. You also get your caffeine and gluten sensitivities. I really like it because they link to the studies they to make these claims, so I can read all this stuff myself.[Edited on May 21, 2013 at 12:31 PM. Reason : ]
5/21/2013 12:31:36 PM
I found out I'm from Africa on the paternal side.One day I'm going to go there like Nas and T-Boz in Belly.
5/21/2013 12:32:20 PM
this sounds really cool. my interest is officially piqued.
5/21/2013 12:32:37 PM
Just found out i have a half sister. Haven’t logged in, in forever….sorted by percentage match and back in early december the person reached out. 23.92% match. Next closest is like 7
2/12/2023 12:22:39 AM
Is she hot
2/12/2023 1:00:27 AM
[Edited on February 12, 2023 at 1:15 AM. Reason : I feel like i would bang idk might be too hippy for me]
2/12/2023 1:15:12 AM
Your sister is cute, hook a brother up
2/12/2023 1:44:56 AM
wasnt there a whole thing of them giving data to police or whatever and police using dna databases of the public to find criminalsplus you end up deanonymizing your relatives too, which makes the ethics of this interesting cause you give away their info too
2/12/2023 1:51:18 AM
1st pic looks like she might have plough experience
2/12/2023 9:38:36 AM
^^i am all for police using genealogy websites to solve crimes
2/12/2023 4:10:14 PM
Not my half sister. Daughter of my fathers brother.
2/12/2023 6:45:33 PM
So your first cousin
2/12/2023 6:55:44 PM
^^^ it is how they caught the golden state killer many years after he was out of the newsgreat youtube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT18KJouHWg&t=1238s
2/13/2023 6:30:59 PM
The only solution is to submit your dog's DNA sample as your own, that way if they ever try to track you down for murder with a familial DNA search, when your name pops up in the database it'll show that you're part labrador/part chihuahua and they'll know that a lab/chihuahua mix couldn't possibly have committed the crime
2/13/2023 8:36:07 PM
in other words it'll show that you're a bitch
2/13/2023 8:58:33 PM
I did it in 2019. Washington post today had an article suggesting to delete all data since they declared bankruptcy, so I did[Edited on March 24, 2025 at 10:37 PM. Reason : Well i'll be danged i need to reread this thread lol]
3/24/2025 10:35:58 PM
3/25/2025 12:12:00 AM
does the TOS go out the window after an acquisition?I fully expect whoever buys this DNA data to misuse it
3/26/2025 7:59:38 AM
See, that's how they GET you!
3/26/2025 9:09:54 AM