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 Message Boards » » Garage Discuss: Trailblazer SS vs. Page [1]  
Dr Pepper
All American
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Equinox Sport.

hypothetical - both are same price, bout the same mileage. both awd, both black.

+LSx, 395hp, larger capacity, badder-asserer.
- fuel economy. (~14avg)

+fuel economy (mid 20's), 'nimble' in town, 3/4 scale TBSS?
- not a "man's" vehicle

C'mon assholes, let's hear it-

5/1/2013 4:17:58 PM

All American
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I'd go with the Typhoon.

EDIT: if you are considering a equinox, bust save your money and get a vue

[Edited on May 1, 2013 at 4:25 PM. Reason : sdaasawresae]

5/1/2013 4:23:13 PM

26632 Posts
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explorer sport

5/1/2013 5:03:12 PM

18598 Posts
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how much $$ you workin' with?

equinox looks like shite

5/1/2013 5:10:25 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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both models I have looked at are $14k. (this is hypothetical, im a po' boy)

5/1/2013 5:19:09 PM

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is there a reason its between these two?

5/1/2013 5:22:05 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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well, yeah. I like the looks/proportion of them.

Other option is an SRT8 Grand Cherokee, but its way out of any budget I may have.

5/1/2013 5:32:03 PM

soup du hier
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Tbss because.... You know you want too.

5/2/2013 3:09:36 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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I've even considered getting rid of civic and Dakota, and replacing with a cummins of a cheap type

5/2/2013 7:27:19 AM

All American
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5/2/2013 8:20:18 AM

All American
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I fail to see how this is even a question.

5/2/2013 8:53:28 AM

soup du hier
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Even if the srt8 was an option.... Why? Lsx is cheaper to mod and more reliable with better tranny.

Tbss is something I would rock the crap out of if I haddent been conditioned to hate Chevy as a youth

5/2/2013 11:13:01 AM

All American
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I will quietly admit that I have a crush on srt jeep.

5/2/2013 5:31:03 PM

18598 Posts
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how bout a ford edge?

5/2/2013 5:43:03 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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^same. Svelt.

TBSS is 'pudgy' compared to the smaller GCSRT8

And I'm also not really concerned with mods...yet. hell, I don't even know if I have enough expendable income to allow a purchase.

[Edited on May 2, 2013 at 5:46 PM. Reason : -]

5/2/2013 5:44:25 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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put a cummins 3.5 in the cheapest suv you can find

5/2/2013 6:23:24 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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^you're killing me dude

also, this is an "ima buy a decent car that I don't have to think about" thread

5/2/2013 6:42:05 PM

soup du hier
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Liberty diesel.

5/2/2013 7:18:39 PM

All American
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^and worry about the transmission falling out

Here's mine if you're interested

5/2/2013 7:28:11 PM

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Quote :
"ima buy a decent car that I don't have to think about"

5/2/2013 7:31:18 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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^10yrs and 143k miles later

I meant a car that I didn't hand build

5/2/2013 8:35:23 PM

All American
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TBSS in black is pretty badass. I hate most SUV's but that's one I'd actually like to own.

I didn't even know there *was* an Equinox sport. The fact that I now know doesn't make me want to learn anymore about it.

5/2/2013 8:38:37 PM

49741 Posts
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I bought my latest Tacoma from a salesman with a black TBZSS. He said it'll pass everything but a gas station.

5/3/2013 10:15:41 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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he obviously hasn't lined up beside my soot machine.

I also read that same line on a TBSS forum the other day.

5/3/2013 10:28:55 AM

soup du hier
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i can't wait till my smoke machine works :-)

mostly tire tho...

5/3/2013 10:38:53 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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[Edited on May 3, 2013 at 6:23 PM. Reason : .]

5/3/2013 6:23:18 PM

26632 Posts
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some of the BMW's I've seen go through that dealer have been pretty sketchy

5/3/2013 6:58:15 PM

All American
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Anchor almost went under a few years back. They were selling cars that had check engine light bulbs knocked out and wouldn't pass inspection. All their cars got taken from DMV. But I see they are still trying

5/4/2013 2:47:30 PM

Dr Pepper
All American
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ragged, what's your fuel economy with upgraded cam? how about before?

5/4/2013 3:41:05 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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i just meant as an example - i dont know anything about that seller. 07 MB diesel based cherokee is supposed to get over 20mpg combined

5/4/2013 5:12:37 PM

All American
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~19 before(lots of in town driving)
~16 now

5/5/2013 12:10:16 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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interesting. I've read anywhere from 10 city to 18hwy, averages ranging from 11-16

5/6/2013 10:27:44 AM

All American
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If I stay out of it

5/6/2013 4:11:37 PM

All American
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Test drove the Diesel Grand Cherokee a few weeks ago. (A few weeks prior to this, I also test drove SRT8 Grand and a lower model V8 at the same time for comparison.)

I test drove the Diesel for quite a while because I thought we were going to buy it. Black, gorgeous saddle leather, well maintained, one owner, low mileage, clean carfax - exactly what we've been looking for. However, driving it just didn't have the 'zing' factor. It drives nicely and it's unique, but I wasn't seeing mileage anything like what is advertized. Perhaps for frequent highway driving you'd see an improvement - moparnum5 also found that there is a good fuel economy program - but in stock form it was nice, but boring. I really wanted to like it - not having to stop for gas by myself on trips with the kiddo and dogs would have been great, but the extra fuel cost didn't add up to any savings and then you've got to consider the diesel markup. They fly like hotcakes - I actually had them pull this one out of detail before it was even priced to see it. So, don't expect to get a deal on one, either.
SRT8 is definitely fun to drive and a SEXY vehicle. However, unless well maintained the interiors seem to deteriorate even faster than the lower models. The seats are AMAZING, but the extra bolstering seems to get holes and/or sink quickly.

Anyway- sorry that's just a bunch of rambling - after massive exams I don't care to edit it

From your original questions. TBSS hands down. /thread

5/7/2013 10:26:47 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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^the dead speaks! the real question is which hauls the gas-gas better?

5/7/2013 11:01:02 PM

soup du hier
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Would a non ss trailblazer suffice ?
I mean that six is still stout and you won feel like a vagina :-)

I really feel like you should get the ss but it sound like you'd feel guilty or something so would a middle ground work ?

[Edited on May 8, 2013 at 2:24 AM. Reason : Z]

5/8/2013 2:21:27 AM

All American
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^The problem with that is that, if you're not getting the SS, I can't think of one good reason to get a Trailblazer over a [Tahoe, 4Runner, Grand Cherokee, etc...]

5/8/2013 2:45:25 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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^basically nailed it. The stance/bumpers on the TBSS increase the look substantially as well. (But I'm pretty sure i'd buy a cardboard box if it had an LS2 and awd taped underneath.)

5/8/2013 7:12:04 AM

soup du hier
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And actually I agree.

I mean I'd pull the trigger, bang for the buck can't be beat really.

How about a Saab 9-7x

Little nicer interior and both 5.3 and 6.0 still an option :-) lol

5/8/2013 7:18:13 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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my current 2nd runner up is an ECSB 4x4 Cummins
3rd runner up is a WRX/STI black with gold wheels

5/8/2013 7:24:03 AM

All American
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TBSS is my personal favorite, but the 14MPG on premium fuel is a big part of why I don't own one. Not saying I won't at some point, but I'm not exactly itching to DD it for that reason.

Get a Forester XT (turbo model) and let your inner lesbian shine. They even come in Black & Gold:

5/8/2013 9:41:23 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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^mother of god.

5/8/2013 9:55:21 AM

soup du hier
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Fxts fit wrx/sti parts. I wish I would have got one of them rather than a legacy.

5/8/2013 10:36:53 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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could get a legacy......

5/9/2013 10:40:14 AM

26632 Posts
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what's a price range for a clean Forester XT like that? it's sexy as hell and the wife has been talking about downsizing from the Explorer to a wagon.

5/9/2013 10:56:12 AM

Dr Pepper
All American
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$7k-$20k depending on mileage

5/9/2013 11:17:31 AM

All American
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Sure a sub by looks good on wheels and springs but its a fag car and in stock form your will need tevas and to grow a beard

5/9/2013 11:31:40 PM

soup du hier
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My guess is that "fag car" above will wipe the floor with anything you currently own.

5/10/2013 7:19:11 AM

All American
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I'm not trying to jump in that boat again but. From my experience. Springs and wheels<cammed lsx

The torque of a v8 all wheel drive> turbo lag all wheel drive

5/10/2013 9:49:53 PM

 Message Boards » The Garage » Garage Discuss: Trailblazer SS vs. Page [1]  
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