first one is a little pricier, and all the stats are identical to the factory battery. has good reviews and a good warranty.the second one is cheaper, but is 5200mAh instead of 4400 (like the factory). how much longer would it last? no reviews for that particular battery, but the company has positive reviews for other models. both companies are said to have great customer service.which should i buy?also, is it terribly lazy to want an ac adapter at work and one at home so i dont have to carry it back and forth? ive heard lenovo ac adapters dont last the longest, so i was thinking of this: to have very good reviews compared to factory (and especially the very cheap chinese ones).thanks in advance,
3/28/2013 7:36:46 PM
3/29/2013 6:04:12 AM
You can never have too many chargers
3/29/2013 2:34:17 PM
if you're going to get a charger, why not just get one with multiple tips so that you can use it on your next laptop, too? negative reviews are almost always someone complaining that the tip was loose in the laptop socket...which i can almost guarantee you means that they used the wrong one (having several of these myself, i can attest to the fact that it's not uncommon for more than one tip to technically fit, but you have to pick on the one that's thick enough to fill the spot)personally, i like the models with a USB port on the side so i can charge my phone or nook or whatever without having to plug in another adapter, but those are another $15 or so (and it might be that only kensington makes them, i don't know)
3/29/2013 3:41:59 PM
ill try the Ankers first, just being the better-known company. after i see what kind of charge its capable of holding ill decide if i want to take a "bay valley" battery onto my next amazon order.
3/29/2013 4:21:28 PM
With replacement batteries the real question isn't the capacity or manufacturer, its where they get their cells from. There is a MASSIVE difference quality between new Li-ion cells from Japan, Taiwan, and (shudder) China. A good manufacturer will tell you exactly where their cells come from.Neither of those do, which is worrisome.
3/29/2013 11:45:47 PM