lesbian daughter, who by the way, got married to her female lover a few months ago.Any romeos here?http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/27/us-hongkong-gay-idUSBRE88Q16120120927
10/3/2012 10:54:48 PM
supplanter could, hes got a lady's touch
10/3/2012 10:59:06 PM
This is like a week old.Fuck you and your ancestors.
10/3/2012 11:03:44 PM
10/3/2012 11:05:04 PM
10/3/2012 11:07:04 PM
let's see her picture
10/3/2012 11:09:17 PM
haha, heard that on NPR the other day. The interview basically went like this:Daughter: Yeah, I'm a lesbo. I'm totally homo...Dad: No, my daughter is not a homo, she has never said she is a homoReporter: Ummm, what makes you think she isn't a homo?Dad: There's no sign that she's homo. She's totally straight. She has a really close female friend.
10/3/2012 11:33:06 PM
chinese dude named cecil
10/4/2012 12:32:24 AM
10/4/2012 7:44:55 AM
10/4/2012 8:00:50 AM
Karma for being a womanizer
10/4/2012 8:39:57 AM
^ not really. Shes just following in her fathers footsteps.
10/4/2012 9:13:41 AM
they always say a daughter is God's way of gettin back at a playa
10/4/2012 9:41:45 AM
^ yup. I was telling one of my college buddies the other day who also has a daughter-- "we ended up with daughters, because we deserved it after what we did in college."
10/4/2012 10:03:52 AM
This has the makings for one helluva porno.
10/4/2012 10:21:08 AM
He has doubled the dowry.http://www.cnbc.com/id/101360594Initial offer attracted 20,000 suitors.
1/29/2014 11:15:39 AM