Mobile device wifi: $3Full wifi pass: $15-25So I bought the $3 pass then shared the connection to my laptop. Thought this deserved sharing.
12/8/2011 1:25:25 PM
12/8/2011 1:34:03 PM
more like:
12/8/2011 1:50:41 PM
One reason I dig's only $5.
12/8/2011 1:56:27 PM
For full access? Not bad.
12/8/2011 2:00:41 PM
12/8/2011 10:25:27 PM
it's not that complicated.... just use firefox and a user agent mask plugin. Flip it over to iPhone/Android, refresh, pay for access. Flip it back to regular, enjoy your discount. Takes like 3 clicks.
12/8/2011 10:27:41 PM
I'll give that a shot next time.
12/9/2011 5:25:53 PM
what mobile device did you use?
12/9/2011 8:49:56 PM
or just tunnel everything over DNS and don't pay shit!
12/12/2011 5:24:55 AM
do tell...
12/12/2011 11:16:47 AM
I just watch porn on the plane so people nearby feel uncomfortable to give me their wifi for free.
12/13/2011 8:12:07 AM