Lets Fly Cheaper (LFC) invites US-based students to enter its first annual “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” contest to win a free round-trip ticket home –- anywhere in the United States -- for the holidays. The company will be accepting entries on its website at http://www.letsflycheaper.comwww.letsflycheaper.com beginning December 5, 2011 and will select the winner on December 16, 2011.The “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” contest invites students attending boarding school or college to explain, in a minimum of 10 words and a maximum of 20 words, their promise to their family to spend Christmas at home and why they need this free ticket. “It’s Santa’s Wish List meets Twitter-length persuasive essay for the last-minute traveler –- e.g., today’s busy but broke student,” said Ramon Van Meer, Lets Fly Cheaper marketing director. LFC will fly the winner from the US airport closest to their school to the US airport closest to their home, in time for Christmas, and back to school again after the holiday vacation is over. The concept behind the contest is simple. “Families should be together on Christmas. But getting back from school can pose financial and logistical challenges for students,” said Van Meer. He knows firsthand how difficult it can be. “When I was 19, I was in a typical student situation: no money to fly home for Christmas to be with my family. I told my story to a man I hardly knew. He was kind enough to donate an airline ticket so I could get home to my family. But he had one condition: I had to promise that I would do the same thing for someone else when I was financially able to do so. Today I can. Because of LFC I can pay his gift forward this year and every year through the “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” contest.” LFC understands that planning holiday travel ahead is not always feasible for students or for their families. “Right now, it’s the beginning of December. Students away at boarding school, college or university are studying for their final exams. The last thing on their mind is booking their flight home. Financially, many students (and their parents) are tapped out with the economy and high tuition payments. This year, a trip home for Christmas may be beyond their reach.” According to Van Meer, booking last minute means paying premium fares, overbooked flights and unwieldy connections that can add hours to the trip home. “These are realities we understand and deal with every day. We have access to airline tickets simply not available on airline websites or any other travel booking website. The “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” contest enables us to spotlight these air travel challenges by delivering a solution that unites the winner with his/her family for a Merry Christmas.”Concluded Van Meer, “We know there are a lot of worthy students out there and we encourage them to share their story. We’re looking forward to reading the contest entries and making one American family very, very happy this Christmas.”
12/6/2011 9:24:56 PM
Good plan and concept, now let's see what happens with it on TWW...
12/6/2011 9:48:01 PM
Got the banner ready! Now buy an ad and don't spam us anymore.
12/6/2011 9:48:39 PM
Thanks guys for the replies!Well, I am not trying to spam, I am not here to sell something, I just want to get this contest out there....Maybe TWW can sponsor us a banner ad ;-)
12/6/2011 9:55:20 PM
This guy seems nice, so I'll go torch some other thread
12/6/2011 9:59:24 PM
Thank you ncstatetke!! I appreciate it...I really hope I can help a student this year like someone made my Christmas 11 years ago :-)Someone bought me a ticket when I and my parents couldn't afford a ticket home and I will never forget that...
12/6/2011 10:02:54 PM
What if you live in Rocky Mount? Can you cash it in for a vacation?
12/6/2011 10:05:43 PM
Is there a 2nd bachelor's FT student - working 60-70 hours a week -- get-the fuck- away- from - the - family-and - to - the - Caribbean -for -free- Contest?
12/6/2011 10:08:19 PM
@Slave Famous, no you can not cash it in for a vacation, I really want to give this prize to someone that wants to fly back home for Christmas but is not able too financially.@arcgreek lol!!! first off all, much respect for working 70 hours and being a full time student! But maybe I will do a second contest in the summer or next Thanksgiving :-)
12/6/2011 10:11:40 PM
How is the winner determined and who does the deciding?
12/7/2011 12:26:06 AM
@BIGcementponEveryone in the office (we have 12 people in our office) will pick their favorite story and then we will pick randomly someone from those 12....
12/7/2011 12:29:03 AM
My family totally lives in Hawaii.
12/7/2011 8:37:10 AM
I like this ramonvanmeer. Usually this turns into a flamefest, but you're being extremely informative.
12/7/2011 8:44:43 AM
12/7/2011 2:35:48 PM
THanks! @kimslackey
12/7/2011 2:38:37 PM
Dont bust this guys balls, this is pretty cool.
12/7/2011 3:40:37 PM
My family, too, totally lives in Hawaii.And they're homeless, so it would really help if we could get a week or two at the Hilton to be together.
12/7/2011 4:13:42 PM