I have a Macbook Pro 2011...it doesn't stay connected to my WiFi network very well. My roommates stay connected so its not the router. It just somehow gets disconnected, even though the WiFi icon at the top of the screen shows that the connection is good. Any suggestions?
11/17/2011 9:38:54 PM
open network preferences...click advanced...and make sure "remember networks this computer has joined" is checkedalso if it keeps doing it, try a restart, or turn off airport for a second and turn it back on.
11/17/2011 10:09:23 PM
I tried that, remember networks is checked...I don't have an option to turn off airport...any suggestions?
11/18/2011 11:16:46 AM
sounds like faulty hardware to me.
11/18/2011 12:20:33 PM
Or maybe it is connecting to other networks instead.
11/19/2011 10:22:48 PM
Try bringing the router back to factory so you can rule it out. MBP from last year is still under warranty so do as much leg work before going into the apple store to get it fixed because you know it will work flawless with at the Bar.
11/20/2011 11:25:41 PM
Question about re-furbished macbooks...Anyone get re-furbished macbooks? I'm looking to get a re-furb macbook pro when my tax refund comes back in. Thoughts? Experiences? I've got a three year old regular macbook that I use for my law firm. It's getting a little full and I'd like to get a new laptop for the office and retire the old macbook to the house.
1/18/2012 1:30:53 PM
I haven't heard anything but good things about buying refurbs. I've been rocking a refurb MBA for a little over a year now, and it's doing just fine. Comes with the same warranty as new and when I took it out of the box, you couldn't tell that it wasn't brand new.
1/18/2012 3:25:15 PM
as long as it has a warranty then you're straight
1/18/2012 4:34:51 PM
Refurbs have the same warranty as new, and are eligible for Apple Care just like new, for most situations as far as you or Apple are concerned, refurb is as good as new. The only exception to this that I can recall is that the retail stores can't do anything beyond repair them, no exchanges / returns which means if you get unlucky and wind up with one that for whatever reason is busted out of the box, you either have to exchange it through Apple over the phone / mail or have the retail store repair it. This is really only applicable to the first few weeks of having it, but I saw it happen from time to time at the retail store and people were always pissed about it.
1/18/2012 8:26:29 PM
does it do this on other wifi networks, like on campus, in the library, etc?
1/18/2012 8:35:18 PM
wlfpckrcd, Make sure your home network is at the top of your preferred network list. It connects to networks in an order of priority...This should fix it.
1/19/2012 9:39:37 AM
I'll post this here as well...
1/19/2012 9:57:41 AM
http://support.apple.com/kb/SP620http://support.apple.com/kb/SP644http://support.apple.com/specs/Different graphics card with more memory and a faster processor. It's up to you to decide whether that's worth the extra $200 but except in specific circumstances, you probably won't notice.
1/19/2012 12:45:08 PM
just picked up a macbook pro (finally getting away from Window's PC), but i need word processing/spreadsheet software.anyone have any experience with iwork software as an alternative to MS office? I can manage the small nuances, but I'll likely have to work on documents shared between Window's PC and the Mac. Any interoperability issues?
1/23/2012 11:53:07 AM