I'm normally good with all of this stuff, but i can't get this one to work. If someone can come by and show me what to do i'll give you $100 and drinks and food or whatever. I got it working at the office on friday but its awfully slow, it loads a 50k jpg on a website in over 60 seconds. I also can't get the wireless to broadcast anything even though the Cisco Configuration Professional (which i updated from 2.1 to 2.5) says the wan, lan, and wireless is working. I tried doing it through telnet using this guide: http://bogomip.net/blog/configuring-a-cisco-881w/ but it still doesnt work. this is for an office that i do not have access to until 8 am but i want to be able to go in at 8 and get it working within 20 minutes by learning and configuring it today using my home connection.
5/8/2011 1:31:33 PM
do you have an fxo port on it?
5/8/2011 3:19:28 PM
i dont think so, im not using it for any telephony though.
5/8/2011 3:46:21 PM
pm sent.
5/8/2011 4:08:37 PM
ask drhavoc
5/8/2011 4:17:49 PM
are you trying to configure it to make outbound test calls?
5/9/2011 2:31:44 PM
has this device come into contact with a canoe?
5/9/2011 2:35:32 PM
Did you kick it while walking through the woods?
5/9/2011 4:30:20 PM
Is it low on WAN fluid?
5/9/2011 4:48:18 PM