have you seen it?
4/11/2011 6:01:28 PM
I'm impressed. That guy finally realized he was wasting his life making shitty comedies.Now, he's decided to make a shitty documentary.
4/11/2011 6:13:03 PM
Somewhat enjoyable, but the sequel with Sean Penn is far superior.
4/11/2011 6:30:29 PM
Better than "Atlas Shrugged"
4/21/2011 2:49:20 PM
I was forced to watch his interview on Oprah. My comments were as follows:He proclaimed animal herding and flocking behavior to be an example of democracy in nature. He is wrong by every definition I know for the word 'democracy'. There are no leaders of the flock imposing the will of the flock upon the individuals of the flock. Animal behavior is far better described by the phrase "emergent order - where a group of individuals acting upon their individual motivation serve the interests of the group." The parallel found in humans is not democracy but the free market, where individuals acting upon their own motivation (sometimes greed, sometimes fame, sometimes moral imperative, sometimes social stigma) serve the interests of the group (society at large). He also told one lie: he proclaimed that lions only take what they need by killing one gazelle. This is false. I have watched more than my share of the national geographic wild channel and have come to know predators well: they will kill when they can regardless of how hungry they are. I saw a leopard leave one kill in a tree and kill three gazelle during a river crossing. The only thing limiting a predator's kill rate is ability. A lion with a full stomach is a terrible hunter, so the prey gets away, but they try all the same. Nature does not take what it needs, it takes what it can get. If cooperation helps it get more, it tends to cooperate. But, there is nothing inherently cooperative about nature. Watching lions engage in infanticide speaks volumes about nature's tendency towards competition to solve its problems.
4/21/2011 5:16:48 PM