anyone taken this class RECENTLY?might skip an ECE elective in the fall if this class is worthwhile. Its probably the closest thing to what i'm actually interested, but probably won't really teach me what i want to know...This has been an AstralAdvent presentation/]
3/29/2011 8:13:18 PM
Bilbro is one of the few ECE professors i'd recommendit's pretty much all small signal op-amp stuff (took it like seven years ago, oh god i'm old)
3/31/2011 6:45:26 PM
ended up taking a 492 class, how come nobody told me about 492 classes till i had 2 semesters left... Will probably take this in the spring depending on what 492s are offered and if i can get more info on how easy this shit is.I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.
4/3/2011 9:28:52 PM
I am taking now. I have really enjoyed Bilbro's lectures and the class in general. A++++++ would take again!!!!!
4/25/2011 10:52:44 PM