3/2/2011 12:52:35 PM
I'm hoping that this is just the ramblings of a fringe or such because otherwise this would be a great irony and hypocrisy that the state on the forefront for marijuana legalization is trying to tighten the screws on the recreational use of tobacco.
3/2/2011 1:11:13 PM
Pretty sure that irony is already swallowed by marijuana prohibition in the first place
3/2/2011 1:22:45 PM
This just deserves a giant, giant Carlface.
3/2/2011 2:12:00 PM
First they came for the potheads...
3/2/2011 3:37:53 PM
Bills get proposed for stupid shit by crazy lawmakers all the time. This is about as newsworthy as when that congressman wanted to reinstate the draft or when Bob Marshall wanted to get Virginia to start making its own money.
3/3/2011 5:37:50 PM