Does anyone have a medium or large sized dog crate?
2/24/2011 10:53:58 PM
I do.Medium size I believe.$20
2/24/2011 10:57:46 PM
Which kind is it out of those 2?Also, if you don't mind do you think you could get the dimensions of it? I can pick it up this weekend if it's big enough!
2/24/2011 11:22:53 PM
It's the 1st one, travel crate.15" W x 18" H x 24" L
2/24/2011 11:34:33 PM
I will have to doublecheck the garage and if its there I have a large one of the second kind pictured.
2/25/2011 12:02:11 AM
if the OP isn't looking for the type that Seotaji has, I will buy it from you.
2/25/2011 2:07:32 PM
^ you can get that one I am going to go with the metal crate type!Win Win for everyone!
2/26/2011 12:31:21 AM