Since most of you people are so full of crap I figured I'd post this here too...Crane. 1.6 GPF. Elongated top. Used 6 months by an old couple... has been done before.
1/11/2011 8:04:49 PM
Could I take it for a test drive first?
1/11/2011 8:07:56 PM
no carpet on the seat?no deal.
1/11/2011 8:10:44 PM
I'll put carpet on the seat
1/11/2011 8:11:31 PM
Does it have a gap in the seat, like a horseshoe?This is a deal breaker for me...there's always a pube in the gap
1/11/2011 8:15:17 PM
No gap
1/11/2011 8:21:25 PM
Is it still warm?
1/11/2011 8:24:41 PM
Whats the weight limit?I fluctuate between 275 and 320 pounds, depending on what I've eaten that day
1/11/2011 8:27:22 PM
442 is what the woman weighs that used it. Comes with one 70 year old pube.
1/11/2011 8:34:06 PM
So is the pube 70 years old, or is the person it came from 70 years old?And 6 months usage by an old couple is equivalent to 10 years of use by a young couple, but equivalent to only 3 months of usage as a toilet in a half-way house on a golf course or 1 weekend of use in a bar.My point. Old people and their assholes can do some serious damage.
1/11/2011 10:29:30 PM
Toilet in good condition. Serious talk.
1/11/2011 10:45:05 PM
Seriously! Is it still warm?!? or what?
1/11/2011 11:18:18 PM
Prob not any more
1/12/2011 11:34:47 AM