This is up on Craigslist as well, but feel free to make offers. PS3 is in great condition. No cosmetic defects, and it's never been modded or otherwise tinkered with.Comes with:-2 Bluetooth wireless controllers (Sony brand)-HDMI 1.3 cable (not pictured below)-Standard def VGA cables-10 ft. USB controller play and charge cord-Buzz Quiz TV for PS3 (comes with game + 4 wireless game controllers)-Star Wars: Battlefront II (PS2 game)$220Pics in gallery
7/22/2010 6:19:04 PM
160 - dont really care about the games if that helps
7/22/2010 7:46:18 PM
trade for xbox 360 pro with some other shit. no RROD and all paper work, less than a year old
7/22/2010 8:33:38 PM
200 and its yours.
7/22/2010 9:59:09 PM
7/22/2010 10:39:04 PM