if i want to link someone to a particular posti can make use of the handy anchorsfor instance: message_topic.aspx?topic=572234&page=7#14110261but it's not always apparent which post is meant by the linkcould we perhaps pass a post ID to be highlightedfor instance: message_topic.aspx?topic=572234&page=7&highlight=14110261and have the post indicated be formatted with some eye-catching color or somethingthx
7/7/2010 10:01:01 PM
esgargs marquee above and below the postI'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.
7/7/2010 10:29:11 PM
this would be nice. Also, a button that will autolink to a given post would be great. At the moment I have to see what post it is using edit post and then add that to the threads URL.Plus when you do get a link to a specific post, images in the thread that load afterwards will screw up the window and you have to either hunt for the user name or refresh the page and hope the posts align properly again
7/9/2010 8:54:14 AM
7/9/2010 9:05:20 AM
7/9/2010 8:49:18 PM
7/9/2010 9:56:57 PM
bttt i am some kind of genius
4/20/2011 4:49:45 PM