rant seems like something that people on both sides of the political spectrum would agree exists, but I'd wager we'd say that "THEY" are the opposing party, depending on our affiliation.
7/5/2010 11:16:53 AM
To me, he makes it pretty clear that he means both parties.
7/5/2010 11:32:35 AM
I'm shocked that someone who shit talks "big business" would be so dismissive of the american dream.
7/5/2010 12:08:38 PM
He's dead, he isn't talking about anyone.And he wasn't funny when he was alive.
7/5/2010 2:36:34 PM
money corrupts? you're kidding, george
7/5/2010 2:41:38 PM
he's talking about politicians / owners in general you stupid partisan fuck dummy]
7/5/2010 3:39:10 PM
I don't think he's talking about a single party. He's talking about the entire political establishment that seems to rubber stamp so much bullshit, and he's talking about corporatism. I think he oversimplifies the details of our botched system of government, perhaps for the sake of mass appeal, but he's mostly right.A big problem I see is the way legislation gets passed these days. A lot of laws gets passed through omnibus legislation. This makes no sense; each law should be voted for separately, and on its own merits. Instead, we roll it all into one giant bill, and people end up voting for a bunch of stuff they find objectionable simply because they want to get their own baby through. That way, they can go back home and tell the electorate "hey, look, I got you some goodies!" Or, they can tell a corporation, "hey, passed some favorable legislation for you about my re-election."
7/5/2010 3:51:36 PM
umm, he's fucking dead.
7/6/2010 8:42:24 AM