Anybody else see the premier? I thought it was ok, but it looks like its going to end up being Desperate Housevampires. If they keep the soap opera storyline to a minimum, I'll keep watching. I love vampire and werewolf stories.
6/22/2010 11:40:58 AM
New episode tonight.
6/27/2010 7:28:01 AM
ABC is trying to pull off the jj abrams lost save and is failing soooooo hardI'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.
6/27/2010 9:45:32 AM
i can't believe they'll do this vampire bandwagon shit and cancel flashforward.what is wrong with you people.
6/27/2010 1:09:53 PM
Last episode wasn't that bad. It's getting better surprisingly.
7/20/2010 2:31:37 AM
^^Serious, what bullshit.
7/20/2010 2:37:31 AM
I'm definitely curious to see how the police chief is going to handle the knowledge that he's dealing with vampires!
7/20/2010 12:50:34 PM