I need some recommendations for a good program to convert voice from a tape recorder to text as it would really help out with a summer research job. Any help is much appreciated.
5/31/2010 1:09:36 AM
NTLBI got nothin...
5/31/2010 4:45:13 PM
Dragon NaturallySpeaking is generally well rated.They are the same people behind the BlackBerry's voice recog (and probably other phones too).http://www.nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/
5/31/2010 4:57:02 PM
yeah dragon's software has been about the only one that's been around for as long as i can remember. i tried using it years ago and it worked ok.. so i would imagine by now it works pretty well.
5/31/2010 5:29:09 PM
google voice...but that might get annoying
5/31/2010 6:53:06 PM