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 Message Boards » » iPod Classic broke, what should I do? Page [1]  
All American
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I did a search and didn't see anything directly addressing the problem I have.

Last week my iPod stopped working in my car, but I thought it was the interface not the iPod. Today when I tried to listen to the iPod with headphones no sound came out. So I've come to the conclusion that something is wrong with the output. Everything else on the iPod works, there's just no sound, either through the computer port on the bottom or headphone jack on top. I've reset the iPod a few times, to no avail. Given the problem I feel like this is an equipment hardware issue, not software related. I really think that the output port on the bottom is just worn out from connecting and disconnecting everytime I enter and exit my car. Is there an easy way to just replace that?

I've had this iPod for almost 3 1/2 yrs, I've never gotten it wet and its only been dropped (3-4ft) onto a hard surface twice (the last time being over a year ago). This iPod spends about 90% of the time in my car.

What should I do? Has anyone had a similar problem that's easy to fix? Should I get it refurbished? I definitely don't want to buy a new one for $249 and have no need for an iPod with 160gb memory (only model still sold).

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

*I also own an iPhone but at 16gb its hard drive is not big enough for my music collection.

[Edited on May 8, 2010 at 3:34 PM. Reason : k]

5/8/2010 3:26:07 PM

All American
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you can try and fix it yourself, thats a link to where you can buy parts for it. I've used them many times before to buy parts for my old Macbook Pro's and an iPhone once.

Here is a link to guides (depending on which model is yours) to taking it apart.

[Edited on May 8, 2010 at 3:35 PM. Reason : .]

5/8/2010 3:35:11 PM

All American
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Thanks Mark, I'll take a look.

5/8/2010 3:45:52 PM

All American
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same thing happened to mine a while back. After trying a bunch of random things, I found this one website that said to put the ipod in a freezer for a few hours. Crazy as that sounds, it started working for a few days again, but the problem came back.

I sold it for parts on eBay and bought a new one

5/8/2010 10:48:30 PM

All American
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if the freezer thing works then you can possibly get a free replacement, though your situation is slightly different then mine. this is a known defect of video ipod. i followed the steps on this link and find btheb post near the lower mid page. Since yours was a classic i'm not sure but it doesn't hurt to try. you might be able to find something else for the classic. I did this about a year an a half ago too. I was able to trade my 30gb ipod video was exchanged in for a brand new 120 gb classic since they stop making the ipod video. It was so simple, I was amazed. Almost no questions asked.

Reading the end of the thread i see people with classic able to trade in so you might be in luck. Read whole thread, as instructions may have changed the past year but it should be easy to get a free new one.

[Edited on May 9, 2010 at 1:21 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on May 9, 2010 at 1:26 AM. Reason : .]

5/9/2010 1:20:09 AM

All American
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^thanks for the tip! I put the iPod in the fridge for 2 hrs and it worked immediately after taking it out. I'll finish reading this whole thread and then contact Apple and see what i can do.


5/9/2010 2:37:51 PM

All American
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np... when i did it there was like only 2 pages on the thread but now there are a few more so want to make sure you read the whole thread and not the just the post i mention above. I'm sure you get a replacement even though it may take a few tries from what i read.

[Edited on May 9, 2010 at 3:30 PM. Reason : .]

5/9/2010 3:19:59 PM

All American
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On the phone a total of 13 minutes with just one customer service rep. Never had a need to ask to be transferred. I explained the problem and after he told me my iPod is out of warranty but that they would fix it, free of charge.

Tomorrow I'm dropping off my iPod at the UPS store and should have it returned to me in 4-7 days, either repaired or replaced.

5/9/2010 4:03:57 PM

All American
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I haven't been told much (just a few vague emails) from Apple but it would appear they're replacing my iPod altogether. My iPod was shipped to CA last Monday but yesterday I received an email with a tracking number for a package with a point of origin of Shanghai, China.

I'm guessing they're just sending me a new one, lol.

5/17/2010 10:11:52 AM

35780 Posts
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awesome. good stuff. Hope this doesn't happen to mine, but it's nice to know they are easy to deal with.

5/17/2010 3:39:30 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » iPod Classic broke, what should I do? Page [1]  
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