IF ANYONE WANTS TO MAKE MONEY THIS WEEK:so i did some temp work back in February and they wanted me to continue but i told them i really wanted to start my own company and i could maybe do it in my spare time telecommuting. well, that didn't work out so well so they've given me about a week before they just forget the whole thing. i asked them if they minded if i outsource and they were open to it but they still need to finish up by the end of next friday.this job requires nothing but internet and your own computer. we can meetup at starbucks or something and i can explain it in less than 30 min. you're basically just mining for usable contacts through whatever means necessary and i talked them into $1 per contact, i'm not sure what the maximum is but they originally wanted about 700 more contacts than i was currently able to get in my sparetime (i really doubt you could get 700 good ones in a week unless you literally spent 40 hrs on it).pm for more details or let me know if you want to meetup, i'm free anytime today between 2:30-4:30 or before 4:30pm on Saturday
3/26/2010 9:58:57 AM
just export your facebook friends and sell 'em out!
3/26/2010 10:30:59 AM
they are business contacts not just random people, lol
3/26/2010 1:44:12 PM
PM sent.
3/26/2010 2:48:43 PM
i've given charge to someone just now but if things don't work out and we need a second person on this i'll be in touch
3/26/2010 3:53:23 PM
interested in knowing more, too.
3/26/2010 6:27:13 PM