3/10/2010 12:32:01 PM
They should all be majors or guys are still gonna take runs.Generally I feel good about this, but I'm still a little iffy when it comes to hits where the victim is low and stretching for a puck...that's not the hitter's fault.
3/10/2010 12:47:23 PM
god dammit what is with the trend of treating pros like amateur athletesthey are PROS
3/10/2010 1:06:00 PM
that sevard hit was dirty, imo. despite was melrose thinks.
3/10/2010 1:06:49 PM
^ Explain why. It's shoulder first, elbow in, and he stays on his feet.
3/10/2010 3:28:19 PM
Agreed it's a dirty hit, but I'm not gonna argue.I do have a it really that big of a deal if they removing hits to the head? I mean in 99.9999% of cases you can avoid a hit to the head and still be able to knock you man off of the puck.
3/10/2010 5:17:30 PM
are you arguing that the change won't change the game besides remove some dirty play?
3/10/2010 6:05:43 PM
what about the quasi-sanctioned fist fights... are they still allowed to punch at each others heads?
3/10/2010 6:26:41 PM
Of course, a person voluntarily engages in those.
3/10/2010 6:57:41 PM
I'd really like to see an explanation for why it's a dirty hit. A cheap shot, maybe, but it's perfectly legal under today's rules.^ Removing the instigator rule would remove most of the rest of the dirty play.
3/10/2010 9:48:37 PM
thats pussy shit
3/10/2010 9:55:47 PM
3/10/2010 10:54:27 PM
As long as they don't start knee jerk reactioning penalties when someone just has their head down or turned to admire their pass and gets laid the fuck out. That's hockey. Keep your damn head up.
3/11/2010 12:20:09 AM