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 Message Boards » » Suspend for sales meme outside of Chit Chat Page [1]  
655 Posts
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Shit is annoying...and my adblock doesn't handle large blocks of text like it does images.

3/6/2010 9:20:37 AM

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3/6/2010 9:27:46 AM

655 Posts
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Wtg lamer.

3/6/2010 9:51:36 AM

41010 Posts
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huge blocks of meme text CAN get annoying, but it's trending toward the one line variant, so i'm not that concerned at the moment. certainly not going to make it a suspendable offense any time soon.

if you don't like it, write a greasemonkey script to hide it. when you're done, post it here so other people can use it too if they want

3/6/2010 10:07:14 AM

All American
8704 Posts
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I realize this thread is about the outside sales meme....which I do not dispute. Hear me out, maybe I can offer some insight.

I am in outside sales, which is currently salary+commission, but will move into straight commission starting at the beginning of July 2010. I have been in this position since July 2009. I have competition from several direct manufacturing sales reps, large distributors, and local distributors. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each:

Direct Advantages: Immediate knowledge of new technology, no middle man mark up, one shipping bill (paid by manufacturer or buyer of goods), access to larger range of non-commodity items, control inventory, have access to many distributors that can effectively sell their goods which increases market share, and set prices of commodity they manufacture.

Direct disadvantages: Typically have 1-3 sales reps per region (i.e. southeast, mid-atlantic, northeast, etc.) limiting the number of accounts they can successfully manage/cold-call, lack physical customer service or physical technical service available to or affordable for smaller users or altogether, are sometimes not trustworthy because they will go in behind their distributors that sell their commodity to one account in large quantities (i.e. they missed a big account, and have found out about it through a distributor selling their particular product) which leads to the distributor not selling their product anymore, have too many distributors selling the product ultimately driving the set price down through deviations, possibly rely on distributors to actually sell the product, and competition from other direct sources.

Large distributor advantages: have access to other commodities that go hand in hand with other manufacturers (poor example- grocery stores sell milk as well as cereal), get direct pricing, many locations regionally or nationally easing the shipping burden of buyers with multiple locations, personal service either customer or technical, many sales reps that are able to cover a broader territory, access to multiple manufacturers of the same commodity allowing to keep prices in check, service programs that smaller companies can't offer and direct providers can't match in price or value, and experts of many many commodities as opposed to one or a few.

Large distributor disadvantages: smaller local distributors creating price wars (think Michael Scott Paper Co vs Dunder-Mifflin), direct mfg's going in behind and stealing business, limited access to all of the mfg's (you won't find Harris Teeter name brands in Food Lion and visa versa), can't truly set prices because it's based on both supply and demand, territory management, and tough growth prospects in slower economies (this is true for direct as well really)

Local distributor advantages: Typically a good ol' boy setting where the seller and the buyer know each other for years (this does happen at all levels, but mostly at the local level), local folks are right down the street and can be used in emergencies, if the local guy buys at high enough volumes then there is no shipping charge to the end user, and access to both direct mfg's and large distributors.

Local distributor disadvantages: easily beaten in price, array of commodities, array of technology, lack of trained staff, low cash flow, etc etc etc.

This is what I have noticed in my six months, I am sure there are plenty more that need mentioning. The way I am setting myself apart as a sales person is this: I go after the big accounts right now while I am new. The big accounts, if I land them, will take care of me while I am new and building a customer base. The money made off of those allows me to focus free time on smaller accounts that get me higher margins. I build up big accounts, I would like to have 5-10 of these, then get 20-30 medium accounts. If I lose 1 or 2 big accounts, the 20-30 medium accounts keep me afloat while I go after new big accounts. I don't really waste time on small accounts simply because they basically pay for breakfast or something really small.

I will say this, if you can't get a big account in the first 6-8 months (assuming you have cash flow that you can ride this long) you could be in a world of trouble. If you can get one, it will really make going after the others a lot more enjoyable and less stressful. It's simply just very exhausting wasting any time on anything other than big accounts in the very beginning. You work just as hard on the medium sized accounts and see 1/3 to 1/36 of the money in my situation.

If you have any other questions, you can PM me. I hope this helps in the slightest!

3/6/2010 11:08:24 AM

655 Posts
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Quote :
"certainly not going to make it a suspendable offense any time soon."

Of course not, your overlords need ad clicks.

3/6/2010 1:54:27 PM

17148 Posts
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because its THAT hard to scroll down

3/7/2010 12:08:55 AM

655 Posts
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Fuck you for putting the onus of ignoring your immature drivel on me. Just don't fucking post it outside of Chit Chat months after it ceased being funny. I'm just going to start posting gigantic images files that force you to scroll both directions. I mean, how hard is it to wait 3 minutes for the page to load and to scroll down?

3/7/2010 9:28:29 AM

All American
18332 Posts
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Keep it classy.

3/7/2010 3:26:28 PM

All American
4790 Posts
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these memes are just childish

when someone can't be original enough on their own, they resort to either using some shit everyone else has said a hundred times or they repost the same thing over and over again hoping to make it a "thing".

i feel about these people the same way i do with respect to those who start mass forward emails.

3/7/2010 4:54:39 PM

All American
16957 Posts
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^ true story, bro.

3/7/2010 8:09:16 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Quote :
"Fuck you for putting the onus of ignoring your immature drivel on me."

Say's the guy who won't stop coming back no matter how many times you get suspended. You think anyone's afraid of losing your "business?"

3/7/2010 9:03:23 PM

655 Posts
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Feel free to fuck yourself?

Do you think I care if you lose my business or not? The point is, crap apathetic moderating yet again is contributing to a negative user experience for the site.

It simply makes no sense from a business perspective this long after the meme is dead to let asshats ruin the other sections with it. I know you enjoy having all the inside capabilities that comes with being a moderator, and you don't get paid as it is so you could give two shits less what the users do...thats fine by me. But don't come here with some half assed troll attempt when I call you out on it.

[Edited on March 7, 2010 at 9:51 PM. Reason : .]

3/7/2010 9:48:56 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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lol chance is still bitching about mods, after all these years.

3/7/2010 9:54:45 PM

655 Posts
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Quote :
"lol mods are still bitching about chance, after all these years."

Why am I not surprised you crawled out from whatever rock you've been hiding under to be sure to post to a Chance thread. Some things really never do change.

3/7/2010 10:17:18 PM

41010 Posts
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hey chance - quit being a dick

you made your point, i said no, explained why and offered an alternative. don't like it? feel free to user_logout.aspx

3/7/2010 10:31:29 PM

41010 Posts
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ok, this is justification enough for the sales meme to be allowed to be used

3/9/2010 9:42:01 PM

 Message Boards » Feedback Forum » Suspend for sales meme outside of Chit Chat Page [1]  
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