2/10/2010 2:07:01 AM
This guy acted like a shitstain and got called out so he backed down. Yes, other Republicans threw up roadblocks to nominations. So have Democrats in previous administrations. Your thread title is misleading in that it implies that the party was behind Shelby's ass-tactics.
2/10/2010 2:48:49 AM
^I highlighted him in the first half of my post because he has been one of the worst examples, but he isn't alone as indicated by the second half of my post. But I'll add some content to elaborate.
2/10/2010 3:38:31 AM
Looks like showing some backbone got the ball rolling... somewhat
2/14/2010 12:03:54 PM
so, Obama will threaten recess appointments. Even though both he and Biden railed against them when dubya used them. I like how you conveniently forget this fact. Call your boy out for being a douchebag politician
2/14/2010 6:24:37 PM
Based on the relative number of appointees dems let Bush have and the gop are letting Obama have, I think such a threat to grease the wheels is fine when consider the filibuster everything, gridlock everything, hold up everything GOP actions of late.
2/14/2010 6:34:04 PM
whatever dude unless the GOP bows down and gives in to everything the Obama Admin and Dems want people like Supplanter Boone and moron won't be happy. If Obama wouldn't have appointed all his Czars maybe the GOP would be willing to work with him on his nominees that need confirmation.And once again I love how this all gets thrown on the GOP wouldn't 60 votes in the Senate have caused these nominations to go through. So once again some blue dogs and Lieberman also have to share in the blame too, but to make your point Supplanter you blame the entire GOP.
2/14/2010 7:14:23 PM
2/14/2010 7:17:36 PM
so, it's OK for Obama to do what he complained about Bush doing, Supplanter? So much for the CHANGE we had all HOPED for. Guess you can't BELIEVE everything a politician says, can you?]
2/14/2010 9:32:13 PM
^ weren't you and your cohorts complaining that Obama didn't have enough posts appointed a few months back?And now you're complaining when he takes actions to push congress towards getting people approved?Do you realize this game you're trying to play is only clever to the slack-jawed retards like Wolfey?
2/14/2010 9:58:03 PM
2/14/2010 10:01:59 PM
you're the one with the username moron, which is a perfect fit for you. Also I do believe the GOP controlled both Houses during GWB's first two years, I could be wrong though since I am a slack jawed retard. I think of a Czar like a President appointed lobbyist, they bring policy ideas to the White House and have influence over the President, but they don't have to be confirmed, which means they can be of questionable character by getting around that rule. Obama has appointed more Czars than any President beating GWB by 3 so far, both of which had more than 5 times the average of any President before them. Its not the GOP's fault that the Obama administration are trying to pass huge policy changes that are far to ambitious. Unlike you though I don't agree with everything the GOP does. I think they should have passed the bipartisan budget regulation committee to curb spending. I agree with their hardline stance on the versions of health care reform passed by the Senate and House. I am not willing to be taxed on my pay check so the people of Nebraska and Louisiana can get better Medicare benefits. I want to see some form of tort reform, but that will never happen because half the politicians are lawyers that made their fortunes in civil court. Obama ran on a platform of change and until recently its been politics as usual, just in the last few weeks has he made a conscious effort to reach across the aisle (Though I think this is a ploy to try and save Dems seats in both houses), but if he wants the GOP to work with him he has to be willing to compromise just extending the hand is not enough. Both sides are going to have to compromise to get anything done.
2/14/2010 10:39:23 PM
I agree, reaching across the aisle? It's a trap!
2/14/2010 10:43:23 PM
^^ so in in other words, you agree that the GOP has been blindly opposing everything the democrats/obama have been trying to do. thanks.
2/14/2010 11:38:27 PM
2/15/2010 2:30:46 AM