I've got two high school students in my technology education class that are working on their senior graduation projects. One is comparing linux OS to mircosoft's OS, another is studying changes in battery technology (lead acid, lithium, Lipo, NiMD, NiCD, etc.). I'm looking for somebody that has good knowledge in these areas that can converse with these students' via email. They need to have someone listed as their mentor for the project which means that you would have solid knowledge in the areas I listed and be willing to have an email conversion with 'em. Its not a whole lot to do but would be nice for these students. PM me if you are willing with your email.
1/27/2010 6:44:13 PM
Track down someone with linux users group on campus. Im sure someone there could help with the OS bit. Id do it, but I dont know enough probably for you/them with linux.
1/27/2010 10:10:03 PM