How public sector employees have become the new elite in the US. you aren't aware of the growing public debt crisis in America, well frankly you've probably had your head up your ass for the last decade. Here's a chilling read about the looming pension crisis on the horizon.
1/22/2010 7:45:12 AM
All paid by my tax dollars.
1/22/2010 8:09:59 AM
1/22/2010 8:18:35 AM
Yes, a lot of it is about California, but there's also stuff in there about federal growth, overal government salary growth vs. the private sector, government union growth, etc.
1/22/2010 8:42:29 AM
Started something like that here: message_topic.aspx?topic=585337^^ You know better than to lay all of California's problems at the feet of a Governor who has dealth with a legislature that, if you wanted to go that route, could easily be called obstructionist in the face of the people's desire for change. Of course it isn't that simple, but it isn't as if they've remotely tried to get along. ]
1/22/2010 10:02:47 AM