Original thread is too old. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy3TwgpOfr0
12/26/2009 1:38:20 PM
12/26/2009 2:18:08 PM
i can go either way on this...
12/26/2009 2:18:49 PM
as long as the phrase "Get him a body bag" is used at some point, I might be okay with this
12/26/2009 2:28:48 PM
will there be leg sweeps
12/26/2009 2:47:42 PM
so they've got a black kid taught by a chinese guy learning a japanese art form. sounds about right
12/26/2009 3:07:18 PM
i guess it was his character, but jaden smith was an annoying little cunt in the day the earth stood still (not commenting anything about the movie's quality)
12/26/2009 3:23:24 PM
so they've got a black kid taught by a chinese guy learning a japanese art form.
12/26/2009 3:30:49 PM
Doesnt look bad.But I will refer to the RAPE OF OUR CHILD HOOD theme
12/26/2009 4:31:31 PM
12/26/2009 5:25:29 PM