Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
Have a list of numbers 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 20 21 22
I need other cells to list the range where the numbers follow in a sequential order, for example
1-4 8-12 14-15 20-22
So one cell would list 1 through X where X is last number listed in sequential order (in this case 4). Once a number is skipped then it is skipped in our next cell which only starts with the next number that is listed, in this case 8 and goes until that string of sequential numbers is broken, in this case 12. And so on… any ideas? 12/11/2009 10:23:19 AM
jethromoore All American 2529 Posts user info edit post |
http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72891 12/11/2009 10:30:57 AM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
need it to be a formula solution, not macro 12/11/2009 10:33:12 AM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
figured it out... bit ghetto, but works 12/11/2009 11:27:44 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
good, I'll hijack...
how hard is it/how long does it take to start picking up VB/writing macros? Can I just get a dummies book to go from there? My only issue with that is that I've tried reading books for HTML and it doesn't get me very far.... some basics and then I hit a wall with just reading shit. 12/11/2009 11:40:19 AM
Drovkin All American 8438 Posts user info edit post |
^^ What'd you end up doing? 12/11/2009 11:42:43 AM
kimslackey All American 7841 Posts user info edit post |
^^ VBA for dummies. Great book, got me comfortable in a day of work. 12/11/2009 11:44:52 AM
Wyloch All American 4245 Posts user info edit post |
One day to learn VB in Excel. 12/11/2009 11:55:22 AM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
A 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20
B 1 B2 and down is =IF(A2-A1=1,B1,A2)
C starting in C5 (where the first sequence ends) =IF(B5=B4,"",B4) (repeats down)
D starting in D5 (where the first sequence ends) =IF(B5=B4,"",A4) (repeats down)
E starting in E5 (where the first sequence ends) =IF(D5="","",CONCATENATE(C5,"-",D5))
[Edited on December 11, 2009 at 11:58 AM. Reason : c] 12/11/2009 11:57:52 AM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
Trying to do a round robin on the combos at Quick Wok again, I see 12/11/2009 12:31:00 PM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
Tech Talk? Really? 12/11/2009 1:20:32 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "how hard is it/how long does it take to start picking up VB/writing macros?" |
super easy. VB is damn near like english..well, not exactly. but it's def not some crazy script shit or anything. pick up that book to get an idea of how to get started and how things work. then pretty much everything else you can think of can be found online 12/11/2009 2:23:12 PM