Who went tonight?I went to 8pm show. AWESOME!! I love the new pyrotechnics. I went a few years back, they had a few but nothing to compare to. New album is nice, plus the classic stuff. Light show was good as always. Their one chick who does Queen of the Winter Night, damn she can rock the coloratura.On a side note of tracking fun things that break, anyone see the LCD that screwed up halfway through, i forget which set.
12/3/2009 12:56:07 AM
pity post.also: wtf is a coloratura?
12/3/2009 1:16:56 AM
Oh, I missed it, but I'm going to catch Cis-Siberian Orchestra next time they're in town.
12/3/2009 1:28:31 AM
I was there, great show. We had floor seats, which were nearly too intense. The ending of the show was awesome.
12/3/2009 1:38:12 AM
^^chem nerd
12/3/2009 2:13:15 AM
i was there at the 8:00 show. it was indeed awesome. i'd highly recommend it.i didn't see the LCD screw up that the OP mentioned.they got that junk set up fast...had an ncsu game that ended around 9pm tuesday night and had the first show set to start at 4pm on wednesday doesn't leave much time to get the bball court torn down and the TSO stage set up.it was a pain getting to the arena...but other than that it was a great concert.
12/3/2009 6:41:28 AM
We had seats directly behind the flying stage, 4 rows back, with no one sitting in front of us. Best seats in the house besides front row. Seems like they had a couple more technical difficulties than they did last year. Lights malfunctioning, that LCD going bananas, etc.
12/3/2009 8:42:03 AM
went to the 4 pm show, a friend of mine makes their guitar cases so we're usually on the floor. 4 pm show was great, but usually chris jokes around a little more and didn't bc we were backed up against the 8 pm show. There were people in lines outside in the pouring rain at 6:50 for the next show. Hated in for them.Only malfunction I saw during our show is that one of the "flame throwers" (for lack of a better term) on the lift stage didn't want to work all the time. Last year I recall numerous technical difficulties- stars out, lights not lit on the way, etc. Also the violinist fell during our show She was on her knees trying to get back up and slipped and fell on her butt. Hid it well, but I loled
12/3/2009 10:49:01 AM
That one girl seriously rocked out that violin or whatever it was exactly.Fun times though. I kinda thought the second half of the show was better than the Christmas themed stuff but all in all I enjoyed it.
12/3/2009 11:00:21 AM
12/3/2009 11:06:43 AM
i got free tickets and no one would go with me, and they had to be used so i went by myself. ending up being about 6 feet from the stage. some of the cheesiest and lamest shit i've ever seen
12/3/2009 11:14:21 AM
^almost as lame as offering your "friends" free tickets and getting turned down to go alone to the concert?
12/3/2009 11:30:15 AM
do they still do the really long christmas story thing?
12/3/2009 11:32:46 AM
The "really long christmas story thing" is basically their Christmas Eve and Other Stories album, minus a few songs because they don't always have the appropriate people to sing for certain songs. Their new album, Night Castle, is the same way- with the narration and everything. They just didn't do it for the tour yet because everyone knows/loves the xmas music. I really enjoyed the second half, for no reason other than I've been waiting for Night Castle for 3 years. However, 3 of the songs they performed have been performed for the last 2 years, while they were working on NC, so I wished they would've done more off that album- it's AWESOME.end of nerd post
12/3/2009 11:36:47 AM
i wasnt all that impressed with Night Castle. i have all their other albums but this one i feel was a let-down after waiting as many years as we had to. perhaps i need to listen to it more or something.
12/3/2009 11:43:18 AM
12/3/2009 11:43:47 AM
eh, i got them late in the afternoon at work so people already had plans. my roommate was going to go but he looked them up on youtube and texted me back to say nevermind. still don't really see the appeal, gay pirates playing fake metal christmas songs on a spaceship? why?
12/3/2009 11:52:17 AM
So I always wondered if this was a real band, and it turns out it's not. Why do they market it as a band's concert when it's really a traveling theatre production?
12/18/2009 1:57:29 PM
savatage FTW
12/18/2009 2:36:13 PM
I've never really like this and could not understand why other people do...
12/18/2009 3:22:06 PM
all i know is that one of the guitarists looked exactly like Tommy Wiseau
12/18/2009 5:49:21 PM