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All American
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Clements, Seeleckes, or Silverberg?

also...316....Zhu or Eischen?

ECE 331...yu or walsh or grainger?

[Edited on October 28, 2009 at 10:58 AM. Reason : d]

10/28/2009 10:33:15 AM

All American
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silverberg all the way

10/28/2009 10:42:47 AM

All American
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yeah? I've heard opposite from a lot of people about silverberg. Why do you think i should take his class?

10/28/2009 10:44:05 AM

All American
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cause i took seelecke the 1st time and failed miserably and 2nd time with silverberg and actually understood the material. he actually taught in class rather than reciting word for word and equation for equation from the textbook to the board like seelecke did. keep in mind this was years ago now for me when i took it so it's possible things have changed. don't know anything about clements.

and 316, dont know about either of them.

10/28/2009 10:56:20 AM

All American
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Silverberg will probably be tougher than the other 2, but you'll be good at the derivations as opposed to leaning examples for certain situations.

I really like Zhu, some people don't but I have Eischen now for 415 and I think Zhu is alot more willing to go out of his way to help you. I had him for 314 and 316.

10/28/2009 12:12:17 PM

All American
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okay...that is the vibe i'm getting from others as well about silverberg. tougher, but youll get a solid foundation for the material

10/28/2009 1:19:04 PM

All American
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Eischen's 316 class seemed tough but I don't know if it was his teaching style or the material.

For God's sake Ginger Yu for 331, she's a relatively damn good teacher.

bangable to boot.


10/28/2009 8:26:17 PM

All American
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Take clements for 208. I've heard bad things about seelecke for people who had him for 314. Silverberg is just a plain HELL NO. He is a huge douche, and you'll just do double the work for the grade you'll get from other teachers.

Also, i might go with Zhu for 316. I had Eischen for it, and didn't really get a grasp of the material really well, and he's extremely boring to sit through in class, but hes a nice person otherwise.

10/28/2009 8:29:55 PM

All American
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DO NOT take Clements. Had him for 301 and he is not a good teacher. I can imagine that he won't be a good teacher for 208.

10/28/2009 11:05:39 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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i didn't like silverberg. his tests are 3 questions: a derivation (he gives you a few to memorize and you regurgitate the one he picks on the test), a HW problem w/ the numbers changed, and a new problem (which was usually like the HW for my class). the lectures were not useful on the HW for me b/c it seemed like he just covered a bunch of theory stuff and never any examples. that whole class felt like memorization to me. i don't feel like i got "a good dynamics foundation" like some folks claim to have received from him.

i've never had clements or seelecke, but i've heard seelecke isn't bad.

take ECE w/ Yu if at all possible. she is good at explaining electrical stuff in terms that non-EEs can understand.

i had 316 with zhu. didn't learn shit. the tests are just like the practice test he goes over before the test. you get a formula sheet, so just put what you need to do the practice test on the formula sheet and enjoy your A. i also couldn't understand half of what zhu said b/c of his accent.

i've got eischen for 415 right now and i like him. lecture is unbelievably boring, but he's very straightforward. he's pretty nice if you stop by his office as well. i think you'd be ok w/ either of the 316 teachers.

10/29/2009 12:40:03 AM

All American
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I took 208 the first time with Seelecke and got a D, took it the second time with Silverberg and did better, but I didn't really enjoy his class that much. In my opinion, they both sucked. I never had Clements so I couldn't tell you anything about him

I took 316 with Eischen and I enjoyed his class. His HW was a pain in the ass, they were very hard but I think it counted for 15% of your final grade. His tests were not that bad, they were open-book/notes and usually one of the test questions came straight from the HW. I would recommend him.

I can't even remember who I had for ECE 331, don't really think it matters who you have, the class is still going to suck

10/29/2009 8:03:34 AM

7284 Posts
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....Jayant Baliga for 331.... haha if applicable

10/29/2009 10:32:35 PM

All American
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o man baliga for 331; that was not a fun class with him. he was soooo boring.

10/30/2009 10:55:09 AM

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dude's a badass

10/30/2009 4:05:53 PM

All American
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10/30/2009 8:13:59 PM

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The man was nominated for a Nobel Peace prize and now that I work in industry, I see his invention all over the place. He was a bit boring, but anything outside of your concentration will seem that way.

11/3/2009 4:45:19 PM

All American
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I had Seelecke for statics and Silverberg for dynamics & controls. I'd say Silverberg. He had a tough learning curve but once I understood his teaching style I could follow along a lot easier. He does have kind of a cocky attitude but every time I went to talk to him in office hours he was helpful.

11/4/2009 9:14:23 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i didn't like silverberg. his tests are 3 questions: a derivation (he gives you a few to memorize and you regurgitate the one he picks on the test), a HW problem w/ the numbers changed, and a new problem (which was usually like the HW for my class). the lectures were not useful on the HW for me b/c it seemed like he just covered a bunch of theory stuff and never any examples. that whole class felt like memorization to me. i don't feel like i got "a good dynamics foundation" like some folks claim to have received from him."

Same for me. He spent so much time deriving the equations that he never bothered to show us how to use them. I just didn't mesh well with his teaching style in 208 or 461.

11/4/2009 12:11:04 PM

All American
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I enjoyed 314 with seelecke. I currently have clements for 412 and he is pretty fair.

11/4/2009 5:34:33 PM

All American
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You need to take Dr. Ferguson for Dynamics. Best teacher in my college career by farrrr.

11/4/2009 10:26:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"take ECE w/ Yu if at all possible. she is good at explaining electrical stuff in terms that non-EEs can understand"

11/12/2009 9:08:07 AM

All American
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^yu are correct. no pun intended

11/12/2009 9:02:16 PM

All American
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Do not take Silverberg! I had him the 2nd time I took MAE 208 and I got a worse grade than the first time!

But I passed it the 3rd time, with Zhu I think

[Edited on November 13, 2009 at 1:31 PM. Reason : by "pass" I meant above the C wall. I've never failed a class]

11/13/2009 1:30:55 PM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » MAE 208 Page [1]  
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