Is it a bit ironic that the nba has to plea the legality of its minimum age rule to congress when you have to be 25 to serve in congress itself? Is that not the same type of rule?One would quickly argue that congress is a position of decision making and high responsibility, while the NBA is just playing a game however; in a league trying to clean up its image, responsibility and off the court behavior is becoming an ever increasingly important expectation of its players. Just as important to the NBA as a responsible congress is to the U.S. government?
10/6/2009 11:49:15 AM
I'm not reading thisShut the fuck upSomeone suspend this thing already
10/6/2009 11:52:40 AM
10/6/2009 11:54:06 AM
I shouldn't have read it, but I did.And it's actually sensible.
10/6/2009 12:02:49 PM
25 year old congress rule was ratified by all the states in the form of our constitution. the nba age rule is a fairly arbitrary rule set forth by a private company. i don't know about the constitutionality of age discrimination against adults in the nba. but the 25 year old congress rule is by definition constitutional.
10/6/2009 12:16:29 PM
The congressional age minimum might be unconstitutional as well, if it weren't in the Constitution.The relative importance of responsibility in decisionmaking is irrelevant. Congrats on another failed thread.
10/6/2009 1:04:21 PM
hahaha, mambagrl just tried to post a thread again
10/6/2009 1:19:54 PM
10/6/2009 2:03:15 PM
Jesus Crhist. The argument is not that congress age is unconsitutional but in favor of the nba rule being reasonable and legal. holy troll manifestation right out of the gate in this one
10/6/2009 2:05:09 PM
10/6/2009 2:06:05 PM
I love tits
10/6/2009 2:47:55 PM
mambagrl, lets go out for an Italian Ice.
10/6/2009 3:39:56 PM
I'm not reading thisShut the fuck upSomeone suspend this thing already[3]
10/8/2009 6:03:11 AM