it has a mercury switch. (anyone want it for any reason?)
10/4/2009 11:35:57 PM
pick up thermostatthrow it in the trash candone
10/4/2009 11:37:33 PM
*properly dispose of
10/4/2009 11:38:32 PM
Hazardous waste disposal site? 1st and 3rd week of the month (Apparently, now 6 days a week!) in Wake County.
10/4/2009 11:43:27 PM
10/4/2009 11:45:34 PM
who gives an FIf the global warmists are even close to being right, a little mercury is the least of our concerns lol
10/5/2009 8:25:17 AM
I pour that shit on my cereal.
10/5/2009 9:18:43 AM
Freeze the mercury in molds and make some temporary art\]
10/5/2009 10:34:37 AM
i for one don't want mercury contamination anywhere near my watershed.
10/5/2009 10:59:10 AM
Why would you keep water in a shed?
10/5/2009 11:26:42 AM
you are an idiot.
10/5/2009 1:18:38 PM
10/5/2009 1:20:47 PM
UNACCEPTED MATERIALSammunitioncommercially generated wasteexplosives / shock sensitive itemshypodermic needles /syringesmedical wasteradioactive materialssmoke detectorstrash / recyclablesunknown materialshaha, unknown materials
10/5/2009 1:29:14 PM
I like to put all my radioactive stuff in Smath's watershed. Makes his barrels of water glow!
10/5/2009 1:57:20 PM