I found out over the last year that I have this. Of all the diseases to have its not that bad, but still kindof sucks. I'm curious what you guys are doing to treat it. Right now I am on this cream call Metronidazole and it has made the bumps pretty much all go away, but I still have rosy cheeks and wish I could get rid of that. The cream also makes my face feel and look greasy all the time. What are your experiences with your treatments?
6/5/2009 12:05:41 PM
at first i was gonna say i'm not very familiar with this condition and if the worst part about it is bumps or red skin, i wouldn't let it bother you too muchbut then i did a quick google search and yeah, some of those photos are pretty unfortunatehope your case isn't too severe]
6/5/2009 1:47:52 PM
dude rock the rosy cheeks. people will think you just got laid.
6/5/2009 2:12:30 PM
haha, yeah its not so bad at all in my case, however for men if its left untreated it can possibly get a lot worse like the pictures you saw. Like I said of all the skin diseases to get this one's not that bad, just curious if anyone else is treating this and how that's working out.
6/5/2009 3:33:05 PM
one of my friends had this and went to the tanning bed for a month and it went away.
6/5/2009 7:53:01 PM
Not particularly common for a guy in his 20s to get this...you'll probably have better luck on a rosacea-specific message board.
6/5/2009 7:53:56 PM