So my old bow wow is on some meds, and i had been hiding them in tuna fish...but apparently she has wised up to that and now will eat the tuna and spit out the pills. She has ruined like two pills so far. Any suggestions on how to fool her again or what to put the pill in besides tuna?
6/1/2009 7:58:51 PM
this looks like a job for PEANUT BUTTER
6/1/2009 8:00:37 PM
ill try that i guess
6/1/2009 8:01:27 PM
slice o' cheese or a combo always works for my dog
6/1/2009 8:08:01 PM
wrap that shit in cheese. it never fails.
6/1/2009 8:09:11 PM
6/1/2009 8:42:39 PM
my dog gets them wrapped in greenies pill pockets. they sell them at petsmart. its like a solid treat, when the pill is wrapped inside. she hasn't spit one out yet.
6/1/2009 9:21:24 PM
6/1/2009 9:55:55 PM
Greenies pill pockets! My dog wouldn't take pills any other way. It's just easier than spending 20 mins every day with peanut butter all over you.
6/1/2009 10:34:04 PM
my dog used to have to take arthritis pills before we eventually had to put him to sleep, and the vet said it was ok to stick the pill in a glob of peanut butter and then put it on a saltine cracker. it always worked.
6/1/2009 10:36:42 PM
nasty ass beanie wenies worked well for my Dane. BBQ flavor worked the best.
6/1/2009 11:00:07 PM
6/1/2009 11:07:13 PM
we always just opened our dogs mouth and put the pill in the back and closed it and held it shut till he swallowed it. dog didnt seem to mind too much.
6/1/2009 11:12:55 PM
6/1/2009 11:15:47 PM
^^ When you do that it helps to gently rub the dogs throat to encourage them to swallow.Also, we use really cheap instant mashed potatoes for a holding the pill (my dog is allergic to most normal dog food ingredients like wheat and chicken but I'm sure there are many similar things). I just mix about a cup at a time in a gladware container and keep it in the fridge for the week... cheap and easy.
6/1/2009 11:23:39 PM
^ o yea we did that too, rubbing the neck.
6/1/2009 11:24:38 PM
yeah I don't get what's wrong with good ole' fashioned pilling . . . less traumatic for everyone, short and simple.
6/1/2009 11:26:52 PM
wet dog foot. make a "meatball" with it.
6/1/2009 11:37:15 PM
piece of cheese ftwat least for my dog. she hates food for the most part and is super skeptical of anything that's not her regular dry food, but she likes cheese just enough to not question it. i have to make sure it's a little warm so it sticks together. they also sell these syringe looking things that shoot the pill down their throat. i'd be afraid i would miss and shoot it into her lungs.
6/1/2009 11:37:52 PM
6/1/2009 11:58:24 PM
Put pill in mouth, hold mouth shut, wait until it swallows.
6/2/2009 3:15:17 AM
6/2/2009 8:24:27 AM
6/2/2009 8:39:45 AM
i'm actually surprised that the cheese has worked this well for so long. mia takes zyrtec every morning and she's been on it for a month or so now. i keep waiting for her to figure it out, and i don't know where we go after that as far as hiding it in something. pb doesn't work, nor do hot dogs, bread, meat, etc. she's allergic to corn so no pill pockets.
6/2/2009 8:47:54 AM
All our pets get pills shoved down their throat. It's quick, effective, and a good skill for them to have.
6/2/2009 8:50:42 AM
i tried the combos, works well. she just crunches everything up n swallows
6/2/2009 4:32:03 PM
I think peanut butter works 'cause it masks nasty tastes really well in addition to being loved by dogs
6/2/2009 5:10:45 PM
didn't read the thread, but when i worked at the vet, we did one of two things:1.) use a pill tool (long plastic syringe-type thing with a rubber tip that holds the push the plunger to pop it out once it's down your dog's throat)2.) hold open your dogs mouth, put the pill on the very back of their tongue, close and hold their mouth and rub the bottom of their jaw and neck (forces them to swallow)
6/2/2009 5:17:29 PM
6/2/2009 5:37:01 PM
Marshmallows, I've heard.
6/2/2009 8:09:45 PM
we crush the pills up and sprinkle it on can also check with your vet to see if they offer that medication in a chew treat. my cats prozac is made that way
6/2/2009 8:24:37 PM
1. Buy a pack of bologna2. Place pill inside of a folded slice3. Keep dog's snout pointed up as he eats it4. Profit
6/3/2009 2:16:57 AM
^^ your cat is on Prozac? Is it depressed or something?
6/3/2009 8:51:04 AM
You saw what that chimp on prozac was capable of, be careful that you don't unleash fluffy: destroyer of worlds
6/3/2009 8:54:59 AM
You have to switch it up no matter what. My roommate's puppy only will take it if it's in a french fry or whip cream and SOMETIMES peanut butter.
6/3/2009 1:50:49 PM
6/3/2009 4:26:25 PM
my cat is on prozac because he pisses out of his litter box in all different areas.i tried everything else, this was the last effort, the one vet suggested putting him to sleep, the other...prozache does overgroom himself as well. he has issues
6/3/2009 6:26:59 PM
6/4/2009 6:22:19 PM