We have two tickets available for tonight's Carolina Hurricanes vrs Boston Bruins game @ 7PM. Section 313 Row J seats 4 and 5. Selling for face value or willing to trade for 2-4 George Strait tickets this Saturday in Raleigh or 2-4 Coca Cola 600 tickets next weekend. Can meet whenever and wherever. PM me.This game is a must!
5/12/2009 2:17:47 AM
what's face value?
5/12/2009 9:52:38 AM
reply to your pms
5/12/2009 10:27:32 AM
60 dollars is face value, these are those 50 dollar seats with the 9.80 dollar ticketmaster fee. We don't want to make a dime we just happened to get those college tickets they offered yesterday so bought those and want to sell these we bought last week on ticketmaster for face to get our 120 back.
5/12/2009 1:54:56 PM