So my 750GB Seagate Pro that i bought just a year and a half ago has already started dying, now everytime i plug it in it takes at least 5 minutes and then shows absolutely no dataI'm getting Hiren's Boot CD 9.8 because that always seemed to have some program to help in this instance but is there maybe an easier way or program that would be easier, i have ALL my music on there and itd be nice not to have to lose it all, the rest is movies i can always get again
4/21/2009 7:24:30 PM
not everybody at once...
4/21/2009 8:50:16 PM
Remove the drive from the enclosure and hook it to the MB in order to rule out a controller issue. From there use standard software-based data recovery techniques.
4/22/2009 12:06:37 PM
what ^ said + I use a program from with very good results. just do not format that drive or let windows do anything else to it that you can help. the more that's written over the less you're going to retrieve.
4/22/2009 12:38:51 PM