Heres another gem I've gotten hooked on from a company called ndoors (coincidental name if you ask me). Think final fantasy combined with guild wars combined with oblivion + done correctly. It is pratically the best game I've played in a long long time. *aside note - you might as well play as a girl because the asian designed male characters look fatastically gay.Like Savege 2 it really pushes the boundaries of unique gameplay. Its the first successful turn based strategy mmo I've seen. You could really geek out and spend days playing it nonstop if you want but it also has a nice casual leveling system. You can play fast or build up a huge list of additional skills and quest over time. I've been playing it for a week or so and already have 6 mercenaries to use. While the learning curve may be fucking huge it's always a pleasant experience to log on. Great economy system, crafting system, and player interaction system. It has Guilds, Nations (which are like alliances I guess), and player controlled towns. Also has a slew of different practice/sparring, league competition, and full on player killing mode. I have a 1/1 record so far and the pvp is more than decent.Rome is the main city of the game where you can store items and such. The maps cover all the major empirical territories of history's past with the inclusion of places like northern Europe, south east Asia, and untamed North America. If anyone decides to download this freebie my tag is Ouria and I play under the Wafflehouse nation. Hit me up if you want some free shit. I'm on about every other day. Last but not least, here's the linky
4/5/2009 7:09:34 PM