I have kits for 2.5" and 3.5" hard drives that I have used in the past to slave hard drives and access data when the drives wouldn't boot up as master drives. I need to access some data (or try to) off a Samsung HS08XJC 1.8" hard drive out of a laptop. Can anyone suggest a good 1.8" drive enclosure or USB adapter for that size drive? Thanks.
3/25/2009 11:04:51 AM
3/25/2009 11:41:24 AM
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817707128&nm_mc=OTC-Froogle&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle-_-External+Enclosure-_-STARTECH-_-17707128I'd just go with that one. It's pretty cheap, and should do just fine for you.I dont have any experience with the 1.8" enclosures, but I cant imagine there's too much parity in quality, especially for the short term.
3/25/2009 12:03:35 PM
^nice, thanks...yeah most of the laptop HDDs i've messed with are 2.5" but there are a few critical files I need to try and salvage off this 1.8" drive^^do you have a 1.8" hard disk?
3/25/2009 12:09:33 PM
plusit comes with a free screwdriver.OH SNAP!
3/25/2009 12:21:53 PM