My crew was aligning a turbine, and my boss came by in the afternoon to see how it was going, and I told him they were within a cunt hair and should only take one more move, and he said: In that case you have a long damn ways to go.I thought about it, went and looked it up, and a cunt hair is approximately .006", we were shooting for +/-.0005", so our alignment specs are 1/12 of the thickness of a cunt hair, the fact that he was aware of the average cunt hair thickness amused me.
3/16/2009 7:01:23 PM
3/16/2009 8:12:55 PM
yeah, i was at robinson while the turbine was pulled apart and one of the senior guys told me the tolerance and explained that it was significantly smaller than a human hair.
3/16/2009 8:33:01 PM
this posting ammused me.
3/16/2009 9:37:29 PM
How coincidental - we're having issues starting up right now due to our turbine shaft being misaligned by 2 mils.
3/16/2009 11:40:46 PM