Why on earth can't I access https://connect.att.com/apps/ordering/compacq/switch.jsp from my two different PCs and from both FF and IE. Other people can reach the site. I just get page load errors. I feel it has to be something network related. I'm with Charter cable internet in SC
2/27/2009 12:01:57 AM
It works for me using RoadRunner in Raleigh ... HOWEVER, you should just run from this site anyway, I get the following pop-up:
2/27/2009 12:47:17 AM
yeah, unfortunately i'm trying to order DSL online, so no real option. there is even a comment about Netscape 6.2 on it somewhere. I just don't understand why it won't work at my house. probably gonna try at work tomorrow
2/27/2009 12:57:58 AM