Hey guys...i need an Alltel phone ASAP...I broke the one i have. I need a temp. phone until my contract ends. Thanx
2/22/2009 1:01:25 PM
i got mine off of ebay for cheap.
2/22/2009 5:56:46 PM
and you might be able to get out of your contract since alltel is changing to verizon.
2/22/2009 5:57:14 PM
^nope. They say nope. I've talked to them as well and I couldn't figure my way out of it. I haven't heard of anyone getting out of it.Verizon bought all Alltel contracts.Not to mention, if your plan is based out of a rural area that has verizon & alltel only, then you will remain an alltel customer.
2/22/2009 7:00:09 PM
2/22/2009 7:02:10 PM
considering verizon service sucks...
2/22/2009 7:03:32 PM
customer service? i've always heard pretty good about their signal coverage.
2/22/2009 7:04:25 PM
The CS can't be close to what Alltel used to be. As for phone service, I have yet to witness a verizon customer have as large a coverage area (and as high quality) as alltel
2/22/2009 7:07:50 PM
well, if they've still got all the alltel towers it won't get worse
2/22/2009 7:10:09 PM
yeh, the overall coverage should expand if they incorporate their systems. Are both CDMA? I can't recall at the moment. I'm expecting CS to tank. I'm not expecting to be able to get my way when I find BS. I'm also expecting higher prices eventually.
2/22/2009 7:12:17 PM
i have no idea
2/22/2009 7:14:20 PM
yeah, both are cdma. And you're only grandfathered in until your contract expires.
2/22/2009 9:45:58 PM
i have a razor in good shape that i'd sell for $40. I have a blackberry that I've used for the last 1.5 years...PM me if u r interested in seeing it.
2/22/2009 10:08:43 PM
I found a phone...Thank you all for replying
2/23/2009 4:44:04 PM