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All American
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Seeing as how we keep taking over the used gun thread

That said, post here with ammo for sale/trade, Reloading Supplies, and "I spotted ammo at Walmart" posts.

I am out of 'for sale' Brazer Brass 40 other than stuff waiting pickup /delivery. I should have some more WWB 100 round value packs of 9mm this coming week.

If you are LOOKING for a type of ammo, post it up. If I find it, I will grab it, if affordable, and then contact you. I am on the road enough with work that hitting walmarts 5-6 days a week is a norm for me.

2/14/2009 2:28:30 PM

All American
8972 Posts
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I'll take a few more boxes of WWB 9mm if you get any more.

I'm also looking for a Lee 9mm reloading die if anyone has one for sale, and any kind of reloading supplies like powder, primers, bullets, etc.

2/14/2009 5:02:39 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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I have a box of 10000 BBs that will fit any BB gun, what you got for a trade?

2/14/2009 5:22:25 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Quote :
"hitting walmarts 5-6 days a week is a norm for me.

haha...that's dedication.

2/14/2009 5:39:52 PM

All American
1094 Posts
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I am always looking for 9mm, 40 and 45 WWB. If you see any, pick it up for me or pm me where around raleigh.

2/14/2009 6:17:13 PM

All American
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was at the falls of the neuse walmart today. the had a decent amount of blazer brass in 45 only. A guy was buying about 10 boxes but they had another 10 at least i think. And Remington UMC 40S&W 250 rnd bulk packs.

already posted the below in the used gun thread but will post here as well:

anybody reloading 9mm or 5.56? I have got over 900 rounds of 9mm brass (mostly Fiocchi, some Federal AE and Speer Lawman) and just over 100 rounds of 5.56 xm193 (mix of Federal and Speer). I have been thinking about getting into reloading and have been saving my brass but I dont think it is worth it for me at this point. I am not looking to get much for it. This is all factory, once-fired brass, but has not been cleaned/sorted. I also have a bunch of 9mm and a few 5.56 empty ammo boxes with the plastic trays if you want them to store reloaded ammo.

[Edited on February 14, 2009 at 6:44 PM. Reason : more]

2/14/2009 6:40:56 PM

15861 Posts
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i have found some damn cheap ammo at the flea market here

just got 1000 rounds of 7.62 for $60, he started haggling at $200

2/14/2009 8:31:17 PM

All American
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assuming it fires, you sir are a haggling sunnofa bitch

2/14/2009 9:39:10 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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^^^ I have thought about getting into reloading as well. I have buckets full of brass that I collect whenever I shoot. I am just waiting until I get settled into a place with a garage to set up the reloading equipment.

The only thing that has kept me from getting into it up to this point is that reloaded rounds are so damn cheap to buy anyway, and require 0 work.

[Edited on February 15, 2009 at 2:33 PM. Reason : a]

2/15/2009 2:32:48 PM

45912 Posts
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If anyone shoots .40S&W's and doesn't reload, could you keep your brass and let me get them? My gf's dad says he'll reload for me.

2/15/2009 2:44:41 PM

Bee Hugger
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^ That's what i have buckets full of. If you ever get to Greensboro you can have a bucket, just give me like 200 rounds once you get them reloaded

2/15/2009 2:56:45 PM

All American
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damn eric, everyone should do that. good call. yeah i'll donate brass if you pass some loaded ones to me. i've got .40 and 9.

Quote :
"The only thing that has kept me from getting into it up to this point is that reloaded rounds are so damn cheap to buy anyway, and require 0 work."


bout 30 boxes of BB 180 grain at super walmart on glenwood as of 4:30pm.

there was some good ol' boy there scoping that out calling his boys on his celly asking them if they wanted any.

they were out of anything good, still chock full of .22LR though. CCI yo.

[Edited on February 15, 2009 at 4:54 PM. Reason : d]

2/15/2009 4:52:03 PM

All American
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Wake county public range has brass for sale in 9mm/40 etc, most 'common' sizes.

2/15/2009 5:57:50 PM

45912 Posts
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for those wanting reloaded .40's, I can take your brass and get it reloaded. I'm not sure how long it will take or when I can make deliveries/pick-ups yet, or how often. I imagine I won't be able to get 1000's of rounds constantly though .

I think the most fair way would be to charge you whatever I'm charged for materials, since I'd be making deliveries/pick-ups for my self. Just collect your brass and when I find out more details we will work on getting the brass to me then rounds back to you. You'd pay for however many rounds you want back.

2/15/2009 6:36:42 PM

Starting Lineup
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Walmart on Tryon has around 30 boxes of Blazer .40 as well as of this afternoon. A couple UMC mega packs too, and a couple boxes of .32. No other pistol ammo.

2/15/2009 6:40:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Wake county public range has brass for sale in 9mm/40 etc, most 'common' sizes."

how much?

[Edited on February 15, 2009 at 8:08 PM. Reason : i know that there are going to be some twice or more fired cases in there too.]

2/15/2009 8:07:37 PM

Bee Hugger
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seriously, before you buy brass let me know. I have more .40 casings than I know what to do with. I am sure we can work something out

2/15/2009 8:37:46 PM

All American
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there price was from $3 - $5 per 100 casings, all money from sorted brass or scrap brass sales goes to the junior high power rifle team they support.

2/16/2009 6:06:25 AM

All American
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^ oh hell yeah i'm down with supporting that. i want to get my kid in that when he's old enough.

Quote :
"seriously, before you buy brass let me know. I have more .40 casings than I know what to do with. I am sure we can work something out"

hook me up son.

2/16/2009 10:40:16 AM

223 Posts
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Just picked up cases of .223 Wolf ($269/1000rds) and 9mm PMC brass ($220/1000rds). Don't mind parting with some of these rds. Just thought it was a good deal so I bought a lot of it. Will give away at the price I paid for it.

Oh...and they had sooo many cases left of both. Also had 40 and 45 brass ammo for cheap, I think it was $240/1000rds. I will be going back down there soon, so just let me know what you need and i'll pick it up for you. They were not out of any type of ammo.

[Edited on February 16, 2009 at 5:14 PM. Reason : a]

2/16/2009 5:12:25 PM

Starting Lineup
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^ I thought you only shot Federal?

2/16/2009 5:34:02 PM

Symbolic Grunge
2604 Posts
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one UMC .40 megapack left.... if anyone sees UMC 9mm megapacks at any walmarts, let me know!

2/16/2009 5:36:41 PM

223 Posts
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I do. But Wolf now is endorsed by Bushmaster for use in their AR15's.

Wolf was really crappy about 5 years ago, due to that garbage teflon coating they put on their rounds. That coating that use to corrode the upper now has been removed.

I think federal is still better. But this stuff works well and is much cheaper.

2/16/2009 6:02:53 PM

All American
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^^^ where did you see the 45 for cheap? Let me know and I will hook you up with 9mm + cash in trade for 45. Assuming you don't mind white box Winchester 9mm.

[Edited on February 16, 2009 at 6:30 PM. Reason : ^^^]

2/16/2009 6:30:44 PM

223 Posts
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Forgot to mention in the initial posting that I found all these ridiculously cheap cases of ammo at Ed's Gun Shop in Vass, NC. I think with all the responses already, that we will have to continue to organize trips down there to pick up ammo.

Might want to check availability on that day before you drive 45 mins to get there. From what I saw today, they are well stocked and availability should not be a problem.

2/16/2009 6:42:11 PM

Symbolic Grunge
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What kind of ammo is their "case" special?

2/16/2009 8:26:37 PM

223 Posts
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PMC, Federal, and Winchester ammo for handguns. Might be more, but I don't know exactly what other cases they had. They said they sell the individual boxes for $1 more than what they pay for them, no exceptions.

For Rifle ammunition the sky was the limit. Two whole walls full of cases.

They will definently get my return business.

2/16/2009 8:47:58 PM


10410 Posts
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Still selling:
.40 Speer TMJ 165gr practice ammo.
$15 per 50 rounds

2/16/2009 10:25:02 PM

All American
2805 Posts
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I'll buy any 9mm brass folks have for sale. Willing to pay as much as $30/1k.

Any reloadable milsurp rifle calibers are appreciated too.

[Edited on February 16, 2009 at 10:46 PM. Reason : ]

2/16/2009 10:45:28 PM

223 Posts
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I have approx 2k rounds once fired federal 223 brass. Any offers?

2/17/2009 12:16:23 AM

223 Posts
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I AM going back tomorrow to Ed's Gun Shop.

Please PM me with numbers that I can contact you at and what exactly you want. (Cases, boxes, etc.). I will pick up ammo at cost and will include receipt with transaction.

If you want to come with, we are leaving at 830 am tomorrow morning.

I have checked into the legality of picking up ammo for other people, and as long as you are over 21 (I will check your ID) it is legal as long as you are not from Durham County. Have double checked this with a police officer.



2/17/2009 6:49:53 PM

45912 Posts
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Durham County = ::facepalm::

2/17/2009 7:18:27 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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yeah seriously.

2/17/2009 11:27:01 PM

219 Posts
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More ammo for sale

60rds of Argentine Milsurp 308
40rds of Indian Milsurp 308

2 Boxes of Wolf Military Classic in 7.62x39 124gr fmj

4 Boxes American ealge 22lr 38gr hp's

1 box of CCI Stingers 22lr 32gr hp's

2 Boxes of Remington 115gr 9mm fmj's

need to move this quickley as bills are due!

2/18/2009 2:56:30 PM

All American
8972 Posts
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^I'll take the 9mm. PM'ing you

2/18/2009 3:00:01 PM

All American
6237 Posts
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Post deals anyone finds on .357 SIG.

2/18/2009 3:51:09 PM

223 Posts
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you should of called me before i went down there. i could of picked up a bunch of .357 mag.

2/18/2009 4:23:51 PM

223 Posts
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today i picked up a bunch of 9mm ammo and .45 auto.

will sell at cost. gas tips are appreciated. had to drive 2 hours to get these cases.

pm or call me....this stuff will go really fast. 919-802-4573

and i'll probably end up running down there again on friday since this stuff is going so quick.

2/18/2009 4:26:21 PM

All American
1094 Posts
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^^^^I will take the 7.62x39, and all of the 22lr

2/18/2009 5:47:29 PM


10410 Posts
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Is there such a thing as deals on .357 SIG?
If so, I want in.

2/18/2009 6:26:37 PM

223 Posts
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i think the .357 mag was $19.95/50rds. like i said i will be going down there again on friday. let me know. if enough people need .357 mag, i'll pick up a case or two.

i have never heard of .357 sig, but just looked it up online. i think they probably have it, but since it is rare, i think it would be more.

2/18/2009 6:38:06 PM


10410 Posts
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Yeah, .357 Sig and .357 mag are different.
Walmart has (haha, no it doesn't) .357 sig @ 50 rounds for $23 or so.

2/18/2009 6:59:21 PM

All American
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i'm gonna have to shoot this 357 sig you people are talking so much about.

2/18/2009 9:10:36 PM

Starting Lineup
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^^^ pm on the .308

2/18/2009 9:32:59 PM

All American
3291 Posts
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^^ I have a mouse gun in .357 sig you can try a shot or 5 with. KelTec P-357. 20 oz with a full mag

2/18/2009 9:37:06 PM


10410 Posts
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I'll be at PDHSC tomorrow around 3:30 if you want to try it out.
PM me if you want to try out a glock compact or sub in .40, .357sig, or 9mm
That applies to everyone.

2/18/2009 9:37:43 PM

Starting Lineup
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I'm going to the two gun shows in Charlotte this weekend - if anybody needs something they can't find elsewhere, let me know and I can grab it for you (except handguns, obviously).

2/18/2009 10:17:26 PM

All American
6576 Posts
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WTB: 7.62x54R

2/19/2009 12:25:09 AM

Starting Lineup
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I'm getting 2 cans of 54R myself. Let me know if you want some from the show.

2/19/2009 1:02:31 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^^ I have a mouse gun in .357 sig you can try a shot or 5 with. KelTec P-357. 20 oz with a full mag"

i'd love to. anytime this weekend works for me.

Quote :
"I'll be at PDHSC tomorrow around 3:30 if you want to try it out.
PM me if you want to try out a glock compact or sub in .40, .357sig, or 9mm
That applies to everyone."

man, gotta work yo. weekend is good for me, let me know if you go again.

2/19/2009 1:09:02 AM

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