Ok, got a Thinkpad running XP. Every time I reboot, restart, or restore from standy tapping (on the touchpad) has been enabled again. The touchpad runs Ultranav drivers. What to do?Indeed, I love it when insubstantial 'features' make an otherwise operational machine virtually impossible to use. I can hardly type a proper e-mail when tapping is enabled. While we're talking about it, it seems the computer won't put itself into standby when a wireless internet connection is active, so if I don't shut it down or disable the connection, it will stay on constantly. Defeat this?
1/9/2009 11:34:39 AM
Try disabling in the BIOS? This sounds strange...mine stays disabled...
1/9/2009 5:41:11 PM
i couldnt live withOUT tap-to-click.
1/9/2009 6:02:41 PM
What sort of thinkpad? T60? T61?I've got a T61p running Vista and have never had either of those problems.
1/9/2009 6:06:25 PM