Fuji Palisade road bike, 12-speed, lots of new partsI bought a new bike to use for commuting to class so I no longer need my old road bike. I recently put on new wheels, tires, seat, and derailleur cables. It also had a new bottom bracket bearing installed by a bike shop about two months ago. It is a downtube shifter model with a 6-speed freewheel in the rear and a biopace double chainring in the front. I also have a NEW Suntour 52/42 tooth crankset to replace the biopace stuff. It’s lightweight aluminum alloy. I haven’t swapped it onto the bike because I’ve just been too busy to do it, but it comes with the bike too. The frame is steel. The handlebar tape is a little worn out, so I'm including a new, unopened package of black cork handlebar tape. The bike is extremely smooth riding. I am 5'10" and 180 lbs...the bike fits me perfectly. I'd say anyone from 5'9" to 6'0" could ride this bike comfortably. Price is $100 (919) 609-0689~Steve
12/29/2008 9:37:33 PM
That's a good deal. I would buy it right now if I wasn't in the middle of a bike project myself. I'll hijack the thread to say that I would like to buy a 700c rear wheel. It would save me from packing ball bearings and re-lacing the old wheel.
12/31/2008 10:36:43 AM
Hey, I'm interested.I can offer 75
12/31/2008 1:54:46 PM
That's a good deal, I'd be interested if I didn't have 2 road bikes around already. Shouldn't have any trouble getting that amount.
12/31/2008 4:09:03 PM
PMed you
1/1/2009 11:56:46 AM
1/1/2009 7:35:18 PM