BBQ Grillware portable grill Purchased at Lowes for $89 Works great. Perfect for football games, apartments, concerts, camping, the beach, etc. Uses smaller propane tanks, such as the green ones found at Lowes, Home Depot, etc. Comes with warming rack as pictured, and with regulator for tank. Used for 2 football seasons, only getting rid of b/c relative got me one for xmas and didn't know i had one. photo_photo.aspx?user=26032&photo=504013photo_photo.aspx?user=26032&photo=504014$40 and its yours
12/27/2008 9:17:52 AM
12/27/2008 11:29:12 AM
1/3/2009 7:52:41 AM
that rusted out thing is not worth 40 bucks.
1/4/2009 10:34:05 PM
^Well, its actually not "rusted out"...but thanks for the bump. There is a bit on the drip plate, but the grates have none. The upper rack which started as chrome in color has changed some, but no rust.
1/4/2009 11:38:17 PM
It'd probably be easier to sell/return the new one than to sell a used grill on TWW.
1/5/2009 6:34:32 AM
Need to keep the one family bought
1/19/2009 7:45:50 PM
2/11/2009 9:51:51 PM
2/12/2009 10:37:54 AM
3/8/2009 5:34:31 PM
i'll give you $20 for it
3/8/2009 6:14:27 PM
3/8/2009 6:27:31 PM