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All American
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Why was the Panthers thread locked, it was the #1 thread in Sports Talk

12/9/2008 6:21:53 PM

15126 Posts
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why was it locked? because it turned into a thread of everyone bitching at each other. you are lucky it stuck around as long as it did.

there used to be conversation in that thread, and it turned into name calling. its that simple.

12/9/2008 6:29:09 PM

43669 Posts
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should have happened a long time ago. It wasn't sports related, it was a piss name calling contest. plus it was so stupid, I think I asked on like page 3 for it to be locked

12/9/2008 6:34:24 PM

All American
3663 Posts
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Yeah, it ceased to be amusing and just became a whiny bitchy thread by a distraught Bucs fan

12/9/2008 6:37:40 PM

All American
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Just because you got called out does not mean you can flaunt your moderating powers, and besides the name-calling, what the guy said about you was true.

12/9/2008 6:41:30 PM

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dude that whole thread was BS, that guy was just trying to piss everyone off. The STeelers Thread was even dumber. At no point was there an actual thought from the troll.

I leave you with my thoughts:

12/9/2008 6:46:05 PM

All American
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I'm fine with the locking of the Steelers thread and I can somewhat justify the suspension of jh51085, but the Panthers thread still has relevance, because the Panthers have not yet locked up anything, and it seems like ncsuftw1 is being a baby because he was called out. It's abuse of power.

12/9/2008 6:58:42 PM

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you're saying this is true? lol. are you just asking to be suspended?

i wasn't flaunting anything, it should have been locked a long time ago.

the lock of the thread has absolutely nothing to do with you calling me out. that's what the suspension is for. (besides, the suspension will be over by later tonight or tomorrow morning.)

12/9/2008 6:59:22 PM

43669 Posts
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well maybe you should make a thread about the panthers making the playoffs then? Not that hard. That should have been locked a long time ago...

12/9/2008 7:01:17 PM

148898 Posts
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at first glance this thread was very confusing, but then i noticed that both jordanfromnj and vonjordan3 were posting, and not just one of them, contradicting themselves

[Edited on December 9, 2008 at 7:03 PM. Reason : cause they both have 'jordan' in their name]

12/9/2008 7:02:48 PM

All American
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Do you not see where I stated I was against the name-calling. I'm not here to be a dickhead, it just annoys me that you locked a topic that you posted in once, and were called out for.

And what grounds do you have to suspend me on, that I disagree with you, or that I stuck up for someone that called you names.

[Edited on December 9, 2008 at 7:19 PM. Reason : ABUSE OF POWER]

12/9/2008 7:17:41 PM

All American
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wait, calling a moderator names is grounds for suspension now???

12/9/2008 7:21:28 PM

All American
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That thread deserved to be locked a long time ago. There was nothing being posted besides mountains of stupid.

12/9/2008 7:23:14 PM

All American
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Until the Panthers make the playoffs I think the thread should be relevant and available.

12/9/2008 7:27:09 PM

All American
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I would have agreed with you had relevant sports related discussion continued

12/9/2008 7:30:49 PM

15126 Posts
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what does posting in it only once have anything to do with locking it?

once again i didn't lock it because i was called out. i locked it because the thread had lost all relevant discussion.

12/9/2008 7:34:23 PM

All American
1177 Posts
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I don't understand what there is to be gained by having it locked.

What I'm saying is I don't think you had any intention to lock it until he went on that name-calling rant against you

[Edited on December 9, 2008 at 7:36 PM. Reason : ]

12/9/2008 7:35:11 PM

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if we lose to the broncos, i'm going to blame ncsuftw1

12/9/2008 7:58:33 PM

15126 Posts
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sure i did. i had intention to lock it last week and never did

12/9/2008 8:09:39 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"should have happened a long time ago. It wasn't sports related, it was a piss name calling contest. plus it was so stupid, I think I asked on like page 3 for it to be locked


agreed...though i might have moved it to chit chat so it could die a proper death

12/9/2008 8:39:40 PM

32613 Posts
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yeah.. i was going to suggest ^

12/9/2008 8:58:59 PM

All American
16852 Posts
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or why not just clean it up (delete/edit posts) and put it back on track.

12/10/2008 1:40:16 AM

All American
9667 Posts
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It was never on track from the start...

Hell, there wasn't even a track to be on in that thread. It was like a train driving into a lake.

12/10/2008 2:17:23 AM

7607 Posts
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I honestly never realized this guy was a mod, but:

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"Registered : 4/12/2006"

when did we start letting n00bs with <10k posts mod, anyway?

12/10/2008 4:57:26 AM

148898 Posts
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i dont think the post count matters since lots of mods just lay in the shadows but i too, didnt realize that he only registerd in 06

he's a good ST mod imo though

12/10/2008 9:58:08 AM

1038 Posts
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I don't understand why that thread is locked. Was it becoming a detriment to Sports Talk? Was the handful of users still left here being driven away by that thread? It isn't like the guy was spamming the section and posting BS in all sorts of threads. It was two threads. And who cares if the dude is a moron or was just trolling or whatever, to lock that thread is some sort of cowardice. Just let the shit roll and everyone is cool.

12/10/2008 10:36:37 AM

68205 Posts
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monday morning moderators

12/10/2008 11:32:36 AM

All American
1177 Posts
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Unlock the thread, there are no more exciting threads to post in in sports talk.

12/10/2008 12:08:38 PM

43669 Posts
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is it that hard to make a new panther thread? Call it the Panther playoff thread or something.

12/10/2008 1:12:31 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"Unlock the thread, there are no more exciting threads to post in in sports talk."

now you are just showing how much of a noob you are

you have less than 1000 posts but registered in 2004 so how do you not know that once a thread is locked...there isnt a unlocking. its locked and done with.

oh, btw...hello jh51085

12/10/2008 2:29:16 PM

202 Posts
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WOW, truly pathetic. Let me tell you what really happened here. ncsuftw1 is a little bitch who is a Panthers homer and got pissed off that he could not defend his own team when it called for it. I mean lets not forget, he is a WOLF WEB MODERATER. This guy is probably very out of touch with the real world. I read that he says there was no sports talk in there and that it turned into a name calling session. 1) Everyone called me names, and I called you a name because you really are a bitch. I hardly name called 2) there was plenty of sports talk in there, sorry you couldnt take place in it, but that your fault. What you made 1 post saying, "this guys an idiot" or "where is jh51085 now that the Panthers lost" which are both bitch ass cop out posts in a sports thread when you should be defending your team. You have so little sports knowledge that you locked a thread before it is even deemed futile becuase the Panthers have yet to clinch shit. Does that piss you off I said that? Fuck you. They have 3 extremely tough games ahead and it would not be a miracle or even crazy at all for them to lose the next 3 (2 on the road). THis Denver game was going to be a huge game, one that would of been discussed in depth on my thread (the one you didnt know how to take part in) but your bitch ass pimple faced ass shut it down. Bring back the thread and I have no quarrels.

12/10/2008 2:57:35 PM

43669 Posts
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jordanfromnj = jh51085


12/10/2008 3:02:49 PM

148898 Posts
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Quote :
"WOW, truly pathetic"

the only thing thats truly pathetic is that jh can't take that ass whooping that the Panthers put on the Bucs like a man...he takes it like the little whiny bitch he is

FACT: Panthers are 10-3
FACT: Bucs are 9-4

12/10/2008 3:04:03 PM

All American
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As someone who rarely ever gives more than a shit or two about the panthers, unless they are playing the Chargers, I can say the following with some degree of objectivity in this matter:

- jh[numbers] is one of the dumbest pieces of dumb ever to grace the recesses of Sports Talk. He has yet to make a point even remotly approaching something intellectual, his posting style is atrocious and annoying to read (block of text with no formatting, anyone?), and when someone disagrees with him he simply berates them with baseless insults. I see no legitimate reason to allow him to continue posting, or even to have lifted his suspension at all.

- That thread, once again, was "like a train driving into a lake." It was never on-track from the start. Even if any track had existed, it would have been swurvy (swervy?) and nonsensical, and to traverse it a train would probably need to be moving extremely slowly, and have flexible cars. Like with hinges, or made of rubber, or something.

- I just overextended the shit out of that metaphor.

- Leaving a thread alive simply because of the argument "what harm can come from leaving it unlocked" is silly. If such a question even becomes necessary to be asked, the thread is in obvious need of a lock. Especially in the case of such a shit-fest as the thread in question.

[/Jaybee1200-esqe "I'm objective!" rant]

12/10/2008 3:39:18 PM

All American
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they had 3 extremely tough games in the last three weeks and they didn't lose all of those did they, and thats a fact.

would be funny if the whole discussion moved in here

train driving into a lake made me lol

[Edited on December 10, 2008 at 3:44 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2008 3:43:37 PM

All American
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I am not jh51085, I may agree with what he has to say about the Panthers but I am surely not him.

12/10/2008 4:11:57 PM

148898 Posts
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are you his roommate? or do you guys just share the same IP address?

12/10/2008 4:13:43 PM

43669 Posts
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12/10/2008 4:18:41 PM

15126 Posts
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Quote :
"ncsuftw1 is a little bitch who is a Panthers homer and got pissed off that he could not defend his own team when it called for it."

lol, i'm not even that big of a panthers fan. I only like them because I have no other team to pull for. Not really a NFL fan.

the discussion is not moving here. it's over. i'm not going to sit and babysit sports talk.

and is calling me out really going to help your case?

[Edited on December 10, 2008 at 4:28 PM. Reason : ]

12/10/2008 4:24:24 PM

All American
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Yeah he is my roomate.

12/10/2008 5:31:42 PM

43669 Posts
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^ya right

12/10/2008 6:25:37 PM

Not suspended
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lol that thread was definitely in need of locking. it had run its course, and was no longer sports talk. it got to the point where it was no longer even somewhat resembling a sports talk thread, but something much more chit chatty. of course synapse is right so i have to bump the appreciation thread...

12/11/2008 6:51:53 AM

1038 Posts
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Quote :
"- Leaving a thread alive simply because of the argument "what harm can come from leaving it unlocked" is silly. If such a question even becomes necessary to be asked, the thread is in obvious need of a lock. Especially in the case of such a shit-fest as the thread in question."

Oh no. The space time continuum was being disrupted by that thread. IT HAD TO BE LOCKED.

If you are the type of person that actively needs someone to lock a thread for you, then you need to check your maturity at the log in button.

12/11/2008 9:28:44 AM

All American
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^I didn't even post in the shitfest.... actually, I think I did once, but just to point out how retarded the whole thing was. I may even have said "ibtl".

Also, you've hit the nail on the head with "If you are the type of person that actively needs someone to lock a thread for you, then you need to check your maturity at the log in button."

jh[numbers] clearly demonstrated that he is that type of person.

[Edited on December 11, 2008 at 10:32 AM. Reason : .]

12/11/2008 10:30:46 AM

1038 Posts
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You're clever. And by clever, I mean the exact opposite of clever.

Troll bait is older than the internet itself. If you can't handle a troll by either playing his game and then getting bored of it, or just ignoring it from the get, if you can't do this and instead you'd rather see some third party just lock the thread...then you are the one that needs help.

12/11/2008 11:17:44 AM

All American
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Quote :
"If you can't handle a troll by either playing his game and then getting bored of it, or just ignoring it from the get go"

Again, you're missing the point entirely. I didn't come close to taking the trollbait because I never even engaged in discussion in that thread. Besides that, it really seemed less like trolling and more like the ramblings of a complete imbecile.

However, the few people that WERE left arguing vehemently in that thread were the exact sort of people that DO need a thread to be locked before they stop throwing shit in it. The people taking the bait needed it locked because they couldn't stop themselves from taking the bait, and jh[numbers] needed a suspension because he obviously is not the sort of person that belongs on the internet. At least the part of the internet that tries to keep discussions mildly civil and at least semi-intelligent.

That's why it was locked. The only people left posting were jh[numbers] and the users who couldn't stop taking the bait.

Besides, with your philosophy on thread-locking, the only things that would ever get locked or deleted are duplicate threads. That's about it, and it is clearly not the method that T-dub operates on.

Incidentally, your persistence in arguing such flawed points when you are so obviously in the wrong leads me to believe that you are, in fact, demonstrating the concept of trolling while discussing the concept of trolling itself. As such, I will cease to respond to your posts within this thread from here on.

12/11/2008 11:27:43 AM

68205 Posts
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hey jh#'s

from the site and posting guidelines
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"Do not fuck with the moderators - Not really a requirement, but more of a suggestion. A key suggestion: If they contact you in private about an issue, reply back in private. There is nothing that pisses them off more than you publicly broadcasting information meant for just you. "

guess what you were doing? you are lucky you didnt get suspended for a few weeks

12/11/2008 1:30:02 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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fucker should have gotten more. i got a month for less, of course half of that month i was able to temporarily use an alias. but anyway, if anything ncsuftw1 was abusing his power by not slapping a few weeks on the guy.

trolling/less serious threads are rarely tolerated outside of chit chat, the thread turned into complete shit, and he decided to start fucking for the mods. you don't do that

12/11/2008 4:08:48 PM

148898 Posts
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12/11/2008 8:29:05 PM

15861 Posts
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at least they keep all the douchenozzles in one section and don't infect the rest of this shitty site

12/11/2008 8:32:39 PM

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