I need a pair of DENIM overalls for a halloween costume. I've checked and local walmarts, sears, and jc penney don't cary overalls.They need to be in working condition, I plan on using these for yard/house/shop work after halloween.
10/28/2008 8:41:53 PM
how can you not find overalls? walmart sells them. so does sears.
10/28/2008 8:42:52 PM
gander mtndicksgoodwillwhere you located?
10/28/2008 8:52:12 PM
Not the one in Cary. I called the Walmart on Glenwood and JC Penney, they only sell overalls online.Looking for something close to 40x34.
10/28/2008 8:52:42 PM
please donttell me your dressing up as a redneckhunterfisherjoe dirt
10/28/2008 9:04:04 PM
duh, he's dressing up as a mountain man
10/28/2008 9:13:07 PM
Mario, hence the needs for Denim. Gander Mtn & Dicks don't sell blue denim (at least according to searches on the websites)I checked the goodwill near me this past weekend and could not find any.I apreciate the suggestions, but I was hoping to find someone that has an old/unused pair they'd be willing to sell. I've already checked a lot of the local stores and have not been able to find what I need.
10/28/2008 9:21:54 PM
maybe a place like AgriSupply?
10/28/2008 9:29:22 PM
had not thought of Agrisupply, but it does look like they sell them. Thanks.I am still looking however since they aren't open right now and can confirm their inventory of overalls, so if you have a pair, PM me or post a reply.
10/28/2008 9:40:10 PM
Country Connection Western Store on Hwy 70 should have them
10/28/2008 10:31:22 PM
check the pointer brand website. they should have local listings for where you can get em.
10/28/2008 10:35:24 PM
get some liberty overallsthey're the official overalls of hee-hawseriously, they're the bestthey sell them at tractor supply. maybe agrisupply too.
10/28/2008 11:00:31 PM
pm sent
10/29/2008 7:19:30 PM
i have a pair of 38/32 overalls i used last year as mario... let me know
10/30/2008 9:15:51 AM