I am applying for a teaching job in Bermuda in a community college (there is only onw higher ed institution, and this is it: http://www.bercol.bm) that pays amazingly well (but it just about average salary in Bermuda). They say the minimum salary will be $72,631.44. Oh, and that's the absolute minimum pay, even for people with no experience, so I should get a bit more.
10/2/2008 4:30:09 AM
Expect to drive around on SKOOTS.Expect to actually wear bermuda shorts as part of a suit.Expect to have extremely high cost of living.
10/2/2008 6:44:39 AM
I was there for a week ten years ago so my views might be somewhat dated.-its a remote island so most common stuff will cost more. -its a british colony so you drive on the other side of the road-pretty sure there are no bad areas of the island from a crime point of view-the island speed limit is 25mph or something ridiculous like that (its in kph, so I don't recall the exact limit)-even if you wanted to buy a house you probaby couldn't. They're not building any new houses and people aren't leaving.-its an awesome place with amazing weather and beautiful beaches.
10/2/2008 7:43:14 AM
I took a cruise there last Summer. It was beautiful, the people were friendly, and the accents and demographics are pretty similar to NC. The roads are pretty narrow and some of the drivers are crazy. I don't think you can get a car unless you live there permanently. They say everything closes at 5:00, but I was always back on the ship by then anyway. I went all over the place and didn't notice any crime or terrible neighborhoods. You can bet your ass that a huge chunk of your paycheck will go to housing. I saw some "for rent" fliers and the prices were outrageous, easily 3x what you'd see in Raleigh. But that's what happens when the whole country is 20 square miles of beachfront property.
10/2/2008 7:52:51 AM
Prepare to pay at least $25 whenever you grab a sandwich for lunch.And did you know that at any time a local Bermudian who posses the qualifications for this job could take it from you at any time. I believe it’s a law. It doesn't matter how long you've been there, they will automatically give the job to a local (even with less experience) and give you the shaft.Other than that, it’s a beautiful place and the people are really friendly (I guess they should be considering they suck the money out of every visitor they get).
10/2/2008 8:22:07 AM