I'm taking this professor for Cultural Geography but he has taught Sociology before. Any opinions on him? - I've already used all the tools I can find (rateprof, grade distribution, school tool) - and there wasn't much out there on him. So I thought I'd ask here.
8/26/2008 4:56:11 PM
I just took him for ANT 261....got an A- in the class....he's a very lenient grader...my papers were absolute shit and he gave me As on all 3 of them....always gave out study guides for the tests and then asked the same questions on the tests...he's still a doctoral student so he plays by the rules...reads lectures word for word from the slides and likes to rant about his dogs/wife/SUV and Jared Diamondeasy professor, boring lecturer
8/31/2008 7:41:25 AM
I think I had this guy for a sociology class. I don't remember hating him. His lectures could get kinda boring but he was an okay guy. The tests were mostly multiple choice with some short essays at the end.
9/2/2008 5:45:17 PM
^^ I agree
9/7/2008 5:20:24 PM
I had him for a soc. class my senior year. It was social devience i believe. It was a predominantly undergrad class, along with athletes, so he had an attendance policy. That kind of sucked, but i was interested in the class so i went regularly. I agree with the user above, his lectures were a bit boring unless he opened them up for discussion. His study guides let you in on what he would be asking on the exams as well which is great. I had his class in the spring and we spent several sessions outside having discussions while sitting in the grass under the sun which was a nice change.
9/9/2008 10:45:41 AM
I had him for SOC 261....he was pretty awesome compared to other professors on-campus. He let us take final exam before dead week so we didn't have to worry about his bs class. You really didn't have to show up too much either because he reads off of his ppt.
9/18/2008 12:31:45 PM
all in all he's a good guy. I got really pissed at him over a grading issue where he was clearly wrong. one of those situations where another student had been graded one way and i had been graded another. it was obvious he knew he was wrong but couldn't admit it for fear of looking inconsistent (which was, of course, contradictory in itself).BBUUUTTT... he's a nice guy and knowledgeable. a little left-wing for me, but hey, it's college, what can you expect...
9/22/2008 11:50:41 PM