Oh Noes!
8/20/2008 2:22:32 AM
Remember kids, if it's not blatantly fascist, it's LIBERAL.
8/20/2008 2:47:41 AM
bootstraps, motherfucker.
8/20/2008 9:28:28 AM
Ive cancelled my times subscription for the national enquirer. Kinda funny how ones become more respectible than the other now.
8/20/2008 9:40:05 AM
they've had to keep up with what the public wantstabloid bullshit in 10 second chunksHATE THE GAME NOT THE PLAYER
8/20/2008 9:45:06 AM
^ Except they're not keeping up. Do you honestly think the N&O would've held an Edwards-like story concerning, say, Richard Burr or some other conservative?
8/20/2008 4:39:44 PM
The N&O actually ran a front page story saying the National Enquirer story probably wasn't true.
8/20/2008 6:02:17 PM
8/20/2008 7:28:30 PM
8/20/2008 7:32:06 PM