I went to the ncsu bookstore to buy some books. One of my required books for E 115 was not available. So I went home and ordered it online about a week ago. So now when I check the status online, it says item is back ordered. The book is called "Guide to EOS and Unity" or something like that. Any help would be appreciated. Thansk in advance.
8/12/2008 11:46:00 AM
what? there's a book for e115? are you sure?
8/12/2008 11:49:43 AM
how much is it? i got mine that i could sell for cheaper depending on how much it is...got it in 2003 but i'm sure its basically the same shit
8/12/2008 11:52:30 AM
Probably means they're out of stock and they are waiting on the next shipment. I think it happens a lot with the school specific books like the chem binders and those things. they usually get more stuff in right before semester starts, but thats just my guess. http://www.eos.ncsu.edu/e115/online_text/ is the online book if you want thrill yourself with the ins and outs of the afs system before school starts though
8/12/2008 12:38:11 PM
There is no E115 book, it's just an online text book... don't bother buying the EOS guide, it's a waste of $$.
8/12/2008 2:21:57 PM
don't buy itall you need is online
8/12/2008 4:49:19 PM
DO NOT BUY THE BOOKyou don't need it. trust me.
8/12/2008 6:03:46 PM
for once, listen to jessiejepp
8/12/2008 6:07:02 PM